Eco-Friendly Dating | How to Have Sustainable and Green Dates


Have you heard the term eco-friendly dating? Well, did you know that the average dinner date at a restaurant can generate over 20 pounds of CO2 emissions? That’s a lot of greenhouse gas for one meal! 

From the food that’s being served to you to the energy that is used to cook said fare, it adds up to affecting the climate—and not in a good way. It’s really easy to overlook or ignore, but our romantic evenings out have a way bigger environmental impact than we realize.

Because most of us are becoming more conscious of our environmental impact and our individual carbon footprint, it’s clear as day that sustainability should be a part of every aspect of our lives, including how we date. 

We don’t all have to be captain-save-the-planet—although that certainly wouldn’t hurt—but we can all do our part. When you plan a date that’s kind to the Earth, you show that you care about the future, both yours and the planet’s. 

And honestly, what’s more attractive than someone who’s mindful about their choices?

If you don’t know how to date green or aren’t sure what it entails, we’re going to go over everything you need to know about having an eco-friendly date! That includes planning dates that are as kind to Mother Earth as they are fun for you and your dating app match or romantic partner. 

We’ll look at sustainable transportation options, where to find the best green dining spots, and even how to pick out eco-conscious gifts! Plus, we’ll give you some great date ideas that don’t leave a trail of waste in your wake so your love life stays green and guilt-free.

Planning for Eco-Friendly Dating

Planning a date with the environment in mind is a great way to spend quality time together while also being conscious of your impact on the planet. With a little creativity, you can enjoy a fun and sustainable date!

Choosing Green Activities

Finding things to do that are both fun and kinder to the environment is so much easier than you might think. Here are some good options:

hand holding globe heart
  • Hiking and Biking: Taking a hike or riding a bike in a local park or nature reserve is a way to enjoy the great outdoors together. It’s a perfect way to explore your surroundings, stay fit, and appreciate the natural beauty around you without adding to pollution.
  • Botanical Gardens: A trip to a beautiful botanical garden can be a calming and educational experience. These gardens are home to a huge variety of plants and are a serene setting where you can spend time together while learning about botany.
  • Community Gardens: Volunteering at a community garden is another wonderful way to spend time together. It’s an opportunity to contribute to a green space in your community while enjoying each other’s company in an outdoor setting.
  • Kayaking or Canoeing: For those near water, renting a kayak or canoe is such a fun way to explore local rivers, lakes, or coastlines. It’s an eco-friendly activity that lets you connect with nature (and each other) in a peaceful environment.
  • Zero-Waste Picnics: Organizing a picnic using reusable containers, utensils, and napkins is a thoughtful way to have a meal outdoors. Choose a nice spot, pack some delicious homemade food, and savor a day in the fresh air without creating any waste.

Supporting Local and Sustainable Businesses

The places you choose to eat or shop during your all date have an impact on the environment! Supporting businesses that prioritize sustainability reduces your carbon footprint and supports eco-conscious practices.

groceries in recycle bag
  • Farm-to-Table Restaurants: These establishments focus on using locally sourced ingredients, usually from nearby farms that practice organic farming. Dining at these restaurants means enjoying fresh, seasonal meals while supporting local agriculture and reducing the environmental costs of food transportation.
  • Organic Cafes: Look for cafes that serve organic food and drinks. These spots usually go the extra mile to reduce their environmental impact, whether that’s through composting, minimizing plastic use, or sourcing their ingredients from local suppliers.
  • Farmers Markets: Spending a day at a local farmers market is a fun and interactive way to spend time together. You can check out and procure fresh produce, artisanal goods, and maybe pick up some ingredients for dinner later. It’s a nice way to support local farmers and nosh on fresh, healthy food.

Digital Invitations

Look, minimizing waste is more important than ever, and using digital tools to plan your date is a simple way to stay eco-friendly. Digital invitations and planning apps make it super easy to organize your date while reducing your environmental footprint.

cell phone
  • E-Invites: With a ton of apps and websites available, you can create and send digital invitations that are both stylish and sustainable.
  • Date Planning Apps: Keeping your plans organized is easy breezy with date planning apps—tools that let you coordinate schedules, set reminders, and share details with zero paper waste. Some apps even give you recs for eco-friendly date ideas, making it easier to hold fast to your sustainability goals.
  • Paperless Post: For special occasions, like milestones or anniversaries, Paperless Post has gorgeous digital invitations that add a touch of elegance and class to your date planning. These invitations are a great way to celebrate without the environmental impact of traditional paper invitations.

Sustainable Transportation

Getting to your date in an eco-friendly way is just as important as what you do once you’re there! By choosing sustainable transportation options, you can reduce your carbon footprint and make your affair a little kinder to the planet.

bike with flowers

Public Transport and Biking

One of the best ways to reduce the environmental impact of your date is to use public transportation or bike to your destination. Public transport like buses, trains, and subways can significantly cut down on emissions compared to driving separately. 

Plus, taking public transport can add a fun twist to your date—whether it’s people-watching on the train or chatting during a bus ride, it’s a relaxed way to travel together without worrying about parking or traffic.

Biking is another great option. If you and your date are up for it, cycling to your destination combines transportation with exercise. It’s a healthy, low-impact way to get around, and you can take in your surroundings at a leisurely pace. 

If you don’t own bikes, most cities have bike-sharing (like Citi Bike in NYC) programs so that you can rent one for a few hours.

eco friendly car

Carpooling or Electric Vehicles

Of course, driving might be necessary—maybe the location is too far to walk or bike there, or public transport isn’t convenient or even available. In these cases, carpooling is a great way to minimize the environmental impact. 

Sharing a ride with another couple or a group of friends reduces the number of cars on the road, cutting down on emissions. It also makes the trip more social and saves you money on fuel and parking.

If carpooling isn’t an option, using an electric or hybrid vehicle is always a solid choice. These vehicles are so much more efficient than traditional cars, producing fewer emissions and consuming less fuel. 

And most cities now have charging stations available so you can keep your electric car charged throughout the day. Even if you don’t own an electric vehicle, some car rental services and ride-sharing apps now offer the option to choose an electric or hybrid car, so you can still make a greener choice.

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One of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint is by walking. If your date location is nearby, why not make the journey a part of the experience? 

Walking lets you slow down, take in the scenery, and have uninterrupted conversations without the distractions of driving. It’s a peaceful, intentional way to start and end your date.

When planning your date, think about picking locations that are within walking distance or easy to reach on foot. Whether it’s a nearby park, a neighborhood café, or a movie, walking to your date spot can make the whole experience more enjoyable. 

Plus, it’s completely free and environmentally friendly. Walking also gives you the flexibility to stop and check out anything interesting you come across along the way!

Eco-Friendly Dating Dining Options

When planning a sustainable date, where and what you eat plays a big part in reducing your environmental impact. Choosing dining spots that prioritize eco-friendly practices can make your date tasty and environmentally conscious!

Farm-to-Table Restaurants

Farm-to-table dining isn’t just for the uber-bougie or crunchy granola crowds; it’s the commitment to fresh, locally sourced ingredients that are grown without harmful chemicals. These are restaurants that focus on minimizing the distance food travels before it reaches your plate, which reduces carbon emissions associated with transportation. Below are some examples of farm-to-table restaurants in the U.S. that are dedicated to sustainability:

hand holding tote of fruits and veggies
  • Blue Hill at Stone Barns (New York, USA): Situated on a working farm, this restaurant is renowned for its dedication to using seasonal ingredients straight from its farm or other local sources. The menu changes frequently based on what’s fresh and available, ensuring that every meal is both sustainable and delicious.
  • Chez Panisse (Berkeley, California, USA): This iconic restaurant is often credited with pioneering the farm-to-table movement in America. Chez Panisse sources ingredients from local farms that practice organic and regenerative agriculture, making every dish a testament to sustainable eating.
  • The Herbfarm (Woodinville, Washington): The Herbfarm is known for its nine-course dinners that showcase the best of the Pacific Northwest’s seasonal bounty. The restaurant sources many of its ingredients from its own herb garden and nearby farms, ensuring that each dish is fresh and sustainably produced.
  • The Grey Plume (Omaha, Nebraska, USA): The Grey Plume is dedicated to sourcing ingredients from local farms and producers. They prioritize sustainability in every aspect of their operation, from using eco-friendly materials in their building to reducing food waste in the kitchen.
  • Gather (Berkeley, California, USA): Located in the heart of Berkeley, Gather is known for its commitment to organic and locally sourced ingredients. The restaurant features a seasonal menu that highlights the best produce from nearby farms, making it a favorite for those who prioritize sustainability.
  • Candle 79 (New York, New York, USA): This upscale vegan restaurant in Manhattan sources its ingredients from local organic farms. While it’s a vegan establishment, its commitment to sustainability extends beyond just plant-based cuisine; Candle 79 is dedicated to ethical and environmentally friendly practices throughout its operation.
  • Blue Duck Tavern (Washington, D.C., USA): Blue Duck Tavern emphasizes American cuisine made from locally sourced ingredients. The restaurant works closely with regional farmers, ensuring that its menu is both seasonal and sustainable.
  • Founding Farmers (Washington, D.C., and Various Locations): With a strong emphasis on sustainability, Founding Farmers sources its ingredients from family farms across the U.S. The restaurant is owned by a collective of American family farmers, and it aims to provide fresh, ethically produced food in a warm, welcoming environment.
  • Table 6 (Denver, Colorado, USA): Table 6 is a neighborhood restaurant that takes pride in its farm-to-table approach. The menu changes regularly to reflect what’s fresh and in season, and the chefs work closely with local farmers to guarantee a-one, quality ingredients.

Eating at farm-to-table restaurants supports local farmers and reduces the carbon footprint of your meal. These establishments have direct relationships with producers, guaranteeing that the food is not only fresh but also responsibly sourced.

Vegan and Vegetarian Options

Opting for plant-based meals is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint while dining out. The production of plant-based foods requires fewer resources—like water and land—and generates fewer greenhouse gasses compared to meat and dairy production. Want to know why vegan and vegetarian options are worth it? Look below:

  • Lower Carbon Emissions: Plant-based diets produce far fewer emissions than diets heavy on animal products. By choosing vegan or vegetarian meals, you contribute to a reduction in the overall demand for meat, which in turn reduces the associated environmental impact.
  • Water Conservation: Producing plant-based foods uses much less water compared to raising livestock. For example, it takes about 1,800 gallons of water to produce a single pound of beef, while producing a pound of vegetables requires only 39 gallons.
  • Biodiversity: Plant-based diets support biodiversity by reducing the need for large-scale monocultures that are often used for animal feed. This helps preserve natural habitats and promotes a more balanced ecosystem.

Restaurants that specialize in vegan and vegetarian cuisine are mindful of their environmental impact, incorporating sustainable practices into their operations. The following is a sampling of popular vegan and vegetarian spots across the U.S.:

hand holding mesh bag of veggies
  • Dirt Candy (New York, New York, USA): Dirt Candy is a celebrated vegetarian restaurant that’s as inventive as it is sustainable. Chef Amanda Cohen creates dishes that make vegetables the star of the plate, with a focus on seasonality and sustainability.
  • Crossroads Kitchen (Los Angeles, California, USA): Crossroads Kitchen is a high-end vegan restaurant offering Mediterranean-inspired dishes. The restaurant prides itself on using organic, non-GMO ingredients, creating a menu that’s both health-conscious and environmentally friendly.
  • Modern Love (Omaha, Nebraska, and Brooklyn, New York, USA): Known for its creative vegan comfort food, Modern Love serves up hearty dishes that prove plant-based meals can be just as indulgent as their meat-based counterparts. The restaurant focuses on locally sourced ingredients to ensure freshness and sustainability.
  • Veggie Grill (Various Locations, USA): Veggie Grill is a popular vegan fast-casual chain that emphasizes clean, plant-based eating. With a menu full of flavorful and satisfying options, they make it easy to choose a meal that’s both delicious and kind to the planet.
  • Gracias Madre (Los Angeles, California, USA): Gracias Madre serves vegan Mexican cuisine using organic and locally-sourced ingredients. The restaurant is committed to sustainability, both in its food offerings and its overall operations.
  • Café Gratitude (Various Locations, California, USA): Café Gratitude is a plant-based restaurant that focuses on organic, locally sourced ingredients. Their menu celebrates fresh, seasonal produce, and the restaurant has a strong commitment to sustainability in all aspects of its operation.

Choosing a vegan or vegetarian restaurant for your date is not just a healthier choice but also a way to make a positive impact on the environment. All of these establishments go the extra mile to verify that their entire operation, from sourcing to waste management, is in perfect harmony with eco-friendly principles.

Eco-Friendly Packaging

For those times when you want to have a night in, takeout is another option. But hang on before you place your order on GrubHub or UberEats; you should think about the environmental impact of packaging. 

Traditional takeout containers are usually made of plastic or styrofoam, which are harmful to the environment and difficult to recycle. To keep your meal sustainable, here are the things to look for:

  • Biodegradable Packaging: Choose restaurants that use biodegradable containers made from materials like paper, cornstarch, or bamboo. These options break down naturally and won’t contribute to long-term pollution.
  • Recyclable Packaging: When biodegradable options aren’t available, look for packaging that can be easily recycled. Many places now offer containers made from recycled paper or plastic that can be recycled again after use.
  • Bring Your Own Containers: Some eco-conscious restaurants will let you bring your own reusable containers for takeout. This eliminates the need for any single-use packaging and is the best way to verify that your meal generates zero waste.

Here are a few U.S. restaurants that are known for their commitment to eco-friendly packaging:

  • Just Salad (Various Locations, USA): Just Salad is a fast-casual chain that promotes sustainability by offering reusable bowls for customers. Those who opt for the reusable option get a discount on future purchases, encouraging repeat use and reducing waste.
  • Sweetgreen (Various Locations, USA): Sweetgreen is committed to sustainability across the board, including their packaging. They use compostable bowls and lids, as well as utensils made from plant-based materials, making their takeout options eco-friendly.
  • Wahaca (London, UK): This Mexican street food restaurant uses only compostable packaging for their takeout meals. From the containers to the cutlery, everything is designed to break down naturally without leaving a harmful impact on the environment.
  • Dig Inn (Various Locations, New York, USA): Dig Inn is a fast-casual chain that focuses on seasonal, farm-to-table food. The restaurant uses biodegradable packaging for its takeout orders, ensuring that even when you’re on the go, your meal is as sustainable as possible.
  • Lokal (Miami, Florida, USA): Lokal is a burger joint with a strong emphasis on sustainability. Not only do they source local and organic ingredients, but they also use compostable and recyclable materials for all of their takeout orders, keeping their environmental impact low.
  • Tender Greens (Various Locations, California, USA): Tender Greens is a restaurant chain that prides itself on fresh, sustainable food. They use eco-friendly packaging, including compostable containers and utensils, making it a great choice for a guilt-free takeout experience.
  • Bareburger (Various Locations, USA): Bareburger focuses on organic, all-natural burgers and uses sustainable practices throughout its operations. Their takeout packaging is made from biodegradable and recyclable materials, reducing waste and environmental impact.
  • Shake Shack (Various Locations, USA): Shake Shack, while known for its burgers and shakes, has also made strides in sustainability. They’ve switched to compostable packaging for their straws, cups, and burger wrappers, helping to reduce the environmental footprint of their fast food.
  • Chipotle Mexican Grill (Various Locations, USA): Chipotle is committed to sustainable practices across the board, including their packaging. They use compostable bowls made from recycled materials, and their ongoing efforts to reduce plastic use make them a leader in eco-friendly fast food.

By choosing restaurants that prioritize eco-friendly packaging, you can savor your takeout without the guilt of contributing to environmental pollution. Small choices like these make a really big difference in reducing waste and promoting a more sustainable way of eating out!

Eco-Conscious Gifts

When it comes to showing someone you care, gifts that are mindful of the environment can carry an extra layer of thoughtfulness. Choosing sustainable gifts not only makes a positive impact on the planet but also sends a message that you value conscious living. From reusable items to homemade creations, there are plenty of ways to give gifts that are both meaningful and eco-friendly.

Sustainable Gifts

Finding a gift that’s both useful and sustainable is easier than ever, thanks to the growing availability of eco-conscious products. Here are some gift ideas that are kind to the environment and sure to be a hit:

eco friendly tote bag
  • Potted Plants: A living plant is a gift that keeps on giving. It could be a succulent, herb garden, or a flowering plant—the choices are endless, and potted greenery not only brightens up a space but also improves air quality. Plants like aloe vera, spider plants, and peace lilies are low-maintenance options that make perfect gifts.
  • Reusable Water Bottles: A stylish, durable water bottle made from stainless steel or glass is a practical gift that encourages reducing single-use plastic. Brands like S’well, Hydro Flask, and Klean Kanteen offer a variety of designs that keep drinks hot or cold for hours. FYI: The Stanley water bottles that everyone is losing their minds over claim to be sustainable, but reports say differently—making stainless steel bottles “requires seven times the amount of fossil fuel, emits 14 times more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, and requires hundreds of times more metal resources. “Their environmental impact is so huge that just using it a handful of times is far more detrimental than using a handful of disposable water bottles,” according to Wired.
  • Tote Bags: A reusable tote bag made from organic cotton, recycled materials, or jute is both a cute and functional gift. Tote bags can be used for grocery shopping, carrying books, or as an everyday bag, reducing the need for single-use plastic bags.
  • Eco-Friendly Skincare: Natural, organic skincare products packaged in sustainable materials make really thoughtful gifts! Look for brands that use minimal plastic, recyclable packaging, and cruelty-free ingredients. Products like bamboo toothbrushes, solid shampoo bars, or handmade soap are great options.
  • Beeswax Wraps: These reusable wraps are an excellent alternative to plastic wrap. Made from beeswax, cotton, and jojoba oil, they can be used to cover food and keep it fresh. Beeswax wraps come in a variety of patterns and sizes, making them a colorful and practical gift.
  • Reusable Coffee Cups: A reusable coffee cup is a perfect gift for anyone who loves their daily coffee or tea. Cups made from stainless steel, bamboo, or glass help reduce the use of disposable cups and often come with spill-proof lids for easy transportation.
  • Sustainable Fashion: Clothing and accessories made from sustainable materials like organic cotton, bamboo, or recycled fabrics make great gifts. Consider items like scarves, hats, or even a cozy sweater from brands that prioritize ethical production and eco-friendly practices.
  • Solar-Powered Gadgets: Solar-powered chargers or lanterns are novel gifts that make use of renewable energy. They’re perfect for tech-savvy friends or those who enjoy camping and outdoor activities, providing a sustainable way to keep devices charged on the go.
  • Experience Gifts: Instead of giving a physical item, why not give an experience? Activities like a pottery class, cooking class, or a day at a nature reserve make impactful memories without the environmental impact of material goods. Experiences can be tailored to the recipient’s interests so they are personal and special.
  • Fair Trade Products: Items like Fair Trade coffee, chocolate, or handicrafts support sustainable farming and ethical labor practices. Fair Trade gifts are a great way to give back while providing high-quality products that are made with care.

DIY Gifts

Homemade gifts have a personal touch that can’t be bought. They’re always more thoughtful, less wasteful, and can be customized to suit the recipient’s tastes. Below are DIY gift ideas that are both creative and eco-friendly:

hands knitting
  • Homemade Candles: Making your own candles allows you to choose natural waxes like soy or beeswax and avoid synthetic fragrances. You can personalize the scent with essential oils and pour the candles into recycled jars or containers for a novel, thoughtful gift.
  • Upcycled Planters: Turn old containers like tin cans, jars, or even broken teapots into charming planters. Add a small succulent or herb, and you have a lovely gift that gives new life to discarded items.
  • Homemade Body Scrubs: Create luxurious body scrubs using simple, natural ingredients like sugar, coconut oil, and essential oils. Package the scrub in a glass jar with a ribbon for a gift that’s both pampering and eco-friendly.
  • Knitted or Crocheted Items: If you can knit or crochet, think about making a scarf, hat, or blanket for someone special. And you can use sustainable yarn made from organic cotton, bamboo, or recycled fibers.
  • Handmade Soap: Making soap at home means that you get to control the ingredients, avoiding harmful chemicals and unnecessary packaging. You can create bars of soap with natural scents and exfoliants, and wrap them in recycled paper or fabric for a beautiful presentation.
  • Personalized Recipe Book: Compile a collection of your fav recipes or make a themed recipe book for someone who loves to cook. You can handwrite the recipes or print them out, and bind them in a reusable notebook or recycled binder.
  • Custom Art or Prints: If you’re artistically inclined, create a piece of art or a print that will speak to the recipient. Use sustainable materials like recycled paper or canvas, and maybe frame it in a reclaimed wood frame for an eco-friendly touch.
  • Homemade Jam or Preserves: If you have access to fresh fruit, making homemade jam or preserves is a sweet gift idea. Package the jam in reusable glass jars, and add a label or tag for an elevated touch.
  • Scented Sachets: Sew small sachets out of scrap fabric and fill them with dried lavender, rose petals, or other fragrant herbs. These sachets can be used to freshen up drawers, closets, or even placed under a pillow for a calming scent.
  • DIY Bird Feeder: Build a bird feeder using materials you already have at home, like pine cones, peanut butter, and birdseed. It’s a gift that brings happiness to both the recipient and the local wildlife.

These DIY gifts not only reduce waste but also allow you to create something truly unique and meaningful. By putting time and effort into making a gift yourself, you show the recipient that you care, all while minimizing environmental impact.

Activities with a Green Theme

Spending time together while giving back to environmental causes is a rewarding and impactful date! Focusing on eco-friendly pursuits doesn’t just help the planet—it also strengthens your connection as you pursue a common goal. The following are some ideas that go hand in hand with sustainable living!

Volunteer Together

Volunteering for environmental causes is a powerful way to spend a day with someone special. It’s a chance to give back while growing your bond.

hands holding plant
  • Beach Cleanups: Coastal areas tend to suffer from litter and pollution, and beach cleanups are a practical way to help. Lots of organizations host regular cleanups where volunteers spend a few hours collecting trash and recyclables from the shorelines. Not only do you leave the beach looking better, but you also help protect marine life from the dangers of debris.
  • Community Gardens: Volunteering at a community garden is a hands-on way to connect with nature while helping out in your local area. You can plant vegetables, pull weeds, or assist in the general upkeep of the garden. It’s a relaxing and productive way to spend time together, and you might even learn some new gardening skills.
  • Wildlife Conservation Projects: Most wildlife organizations rely on volunteers to help with conservation efforts. You could spend the day planting native species to restore habitat, maintaining trails in a nature reserve, or taking part in a citizen science project that monitors local wildlife populations. These efforts are a special opportunity to learn more about local ecosystems and contribute to their preservation.
  • Tree Planting: Planting trees is a classic environmental action that has a lasting impact. There are organizations that host tree-planting events where volunteers spend the day putting saplings in the ground. It’s a simple yet effective way to give back to the planet, and it’s a date idea that literally grows over time.

Eco-Friendly Outdoor Adventures

For those who want to be active, there are outdoor pursuits with an eco-friendly focus that fuse the outdoors with some environmental awareness.

light bulb with plant inside
  • Hiking and Nature Walks: Exploring nature on foot is a great way to connect with the environment. Choose a trail known for its natural beauty or biodiversity, and take your time observing the plants and wildlife around you. Some parks and nature reserves have guided hikes that focus on ecology and conservation, meaning you are treated to a learning experience with your adventure.
  • Visit a Nature Reserve: Nature reserves and parks often have protected areas where you can see wildlife and experience pristine natural environments. Visiting a nature reserve supports conservation efforts, and many reserves have programs or tours that educate visitors about the local ecosystem and conservation challenges.
  • Tree Planting: Tree planting events are a fantastic way to make a lasting environmental impact while spending time outdoors. You can join a local group or even start your own tree-planting initiative. Planting a tree together leaves a lasting impact and contributes to reforestation efforts, which are necessary for combating climate change.
  • Beach Cleanups: Similar to hiking, beach cleanups combine physical activity with a sense of accomplishment. Walk along the shoreline, collect debris, and leave the beach cleaner than you found it. It’s an impactful activity that turns a day at the beach into an opportunity to protect marine life and the coastal environment.
  • Bike Rides with a Purpose: Biking is an eco-friendly way to explore your local area, and it becomes even more meaningful when paired with a purpose. Consider organizing or joining a charity bike ride that raises awareness for an environmental cause, or just choose a scenic route where you can take in the beauty of natural landscapes.

Crafting with Recycled Materials

For those who don’t feel like spending time outside or if the weather isn’t optimal, you can do creative stuff indoors! Crafting with recycled materials is a fun and eco-conscious way to spend time together. It’s a chance to make something out of items that might otherwise be discarded while reducing waste.

recycle sign
  • Upcycled Home Decor: Gather materials like old jars, bottles, fabric scraps, or wood pieces and transform them into home decor items. Make vases from glass bottles, candle holders from tin cans, or wall art from reclaimed wood. The possibilities are endless, and the results can add a personal, eco-friendly touch to your living spaces.
  • Recycled Paper Crafts: Try making handmade paper from recycled materials. This craft involves blending old paper with water to create a pulp, which you then mold into new sheets of paper. Once dried, the paper can be used for cards, gift tags, or even custom notebooks. It’s a great way to reuse paper scraps and create something beautiful.
  • DIY Planters: Old containers, like tin cans, glass jars, or even worn-out shoes, can be repurposed into planters for small plants or herbs. This craft not only gives new life to discarded items but also encourages indoor gardening, which is good for air quality and adds greenery to your home.
  • Recycled Jewelry: Create one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces from recycled materials like bottle caps, fabric scraps, or old buttons. This activity combines creativity with sustainability and results in personalized, thoughtful gifts.
  • Eco-Friendly Wrapping Paper: Instead of buying new wrapping paper, make your own using old newspapers, maps, or fabric scraps. Decorate the paper with stamps, drawings, or natural elements like leaves and flowers. It’s a creative way to personalize your gifts while cutting down on waste.
  • Wine Cork Projects: If you have a collection of wine corks, don’t throw them out—use them to create fun and functional crafts. Corks can be turned into coasters, bulletin boards, or even plant markers. This is a great way to reuse something that would otherwise end up in the trash.
  • Glass Jar Lanterns: Empty glass jars can be transformed into charming lanterns. Decorate the outside with paint or etching, and place a candle or LED light inside. These lanterns can be used to add a warm, recycled touch to your home decor or outdoor spaces.
  • Fabric Scrap Quilts: If you have leftover fabric scraps, consider making a quilt! Quilting is a craft that involves sewing together pieces of fabric to create a larger design. It’s a wonderful way to recycle old clothes or fabric remnants, turning them into a cozy, functional piece of art.
  • Plastic Bottle Bird Feeders: You can turn a plastic bottle into a bird feeder with a few simple tools. Cut openings in the sides of the bottle, insert wooden spoons or sticks for perches and fill the bottle with birdseed. Hang the feeder in your garden or on your balcony to attract local birds.
  • Tin Can Herb Garden: Tin cans make excellent small planters for herbs. Clean out the cans, paint or decorate them as you like, and fill them with soil and your favorite herb seeds. This project is perfect for creating a compact herb garden that can sit on your windowsill or kitchen counter.

Crafting with recycled materials turns everyday items into something beautiful and useful. It’s a satisfying way to spend time together while making something that’s creative and environmentally friendly.

Reducing Waste While Eco-Friendly Dating

Planning a date that’s easy on the environment is more than just a good idea—it’s a way to show that you’re thoughtful about the world and those around you. Small changes in how you prep for your date can make a big difference. Here’s how you can cut down on waste while on a date!

Zero-Waste Kits

Bringing a zero-waste kit along is yet another way to keep your date eco-friendly. These kits include reusable items that replace disposable ones, which reduces unnecessary waste.

reusable water bottle
  • Reusable Water Bottles: Instead of buying bottled water, pack a reusable water bottle. Glass bottles work well since they’re durable and keep your drinks safe. With more places offering refill stations, staying hydrated without the waste is no problemo.
  • Utensils: Carry a set of reusable utensils, like those made from bamboo or stainless steel. These are perfect for meals on the go or picnics. Some kits also include reusable straws and chopsticks, making them handy for different dining situations.
  • Cloth Napkins: Swap out paper napkins for cloth ones. They’re washable, can be reused many times, and add a touch of class to your meal. Plus, they’re available in plenty of designs, so you can pick something that matches your style.
  • Food Containers: If takeout is part of your plan, bring along a reusable food container. This eliminates the need for disposable containers that will end up in the trash.
  • Tote Bags: A reusable tote bag is great for carrying any items you might pick up during your date. Choose one made from organic cotton or recycled materials, and you’ll have a bag that’s a cinch to fold and store when not in use.

Avoiding Single-Use Plastics

Single-use plastics contribute heavily to environmental pollution, so skipping them during your date is a smart choice. Below is how you can steer clear of these wasteful items:

plastic water bottle
  • Ditch the Plastic Straws: If you’re getting drinks, either skip the straw or use a reusable one made from stainless steel, bamboo, or silicone. Almost all places now offer straw-free options, so you can avoid plastic.
  • Say No to Plastic Bags: When shopping or carrying items, refuse plastic bags and use your tote bag instead. If you find yourself making an unexpected purchase, just decline a bag and carry the item or put it in your tote.
  • Avoid Disposable Takeout Containers: If dining out, opt for restaurants with dine-in options that use reusable plates and cutlery. If takeout is the only option, ask if you can use your own container instead of their plastic ones. Many eco-conscious eateries are happy to accommodate.
  • Choose Packaging-Free Snacks: For outdoor dates like picnics or hikes, pack snacks that don’t come in single-use packaging. Buy in bulk with your containers or opt for fresh produce that doesn’t need packaging.
  • Skip the Disposable Coffee Cups: Planning a coffee stop? Bring your reusable cup or thermos—coffee shops and big chains like Starbucks will happily fill your cup, and most even give you a discount for doing so.

Responsible Disposal

Managing waste responsibly is super important for reducing the environmental footprint of your date. Regardless if it’s recycling, composting, or disposing of trash the right way, taking care of the waste you produce correctly is a no-brainer!

lightning bolt with plants
  • Recycling: Sort and recycle any items that can go into the recycling bin, like glass bottles, aluminum cans, and paper products. Be mindful of local recycling rules, as they vary. If you’re unsure about something, take it home to check before recycling.
  • Composting: If your date involves food, consider composting any scraps. Many parks now have composting bins, but if they’re not available, take the scraps home to compost. Composting reduces waste in landfills and helps return the nutrients to the soil.
  • Trash Disposal: For anything that can’t be recycled or composted, make sure it’s thrown away properly. Use trash bins and never leave waste behind. Proper disposal keeps public spaces clean and minimizes environmental impact.
  • Picking Up Litter: If you spot litter during your date, take a moment to pick it up and dispose of it correctly. It’s a little thing, but it makes a big difference in keeping the environment clean.
  • Spreading Awareness: Understanding the impact of waste and sharing that knowledge with others is part of responsible disposal. If you are on a date or with friends, encourage better waste management practices and support efforts to reduce waste and promote sustainability. In other words, spread the word (but don’t be preachy or judgmental about it).

By incorporating these practices into your dates, you’re not only reducing waste but also setting a positive example for others. Sustainable dating is just making thoughtful choices and showing that you give a hoot about the environment while still having a good time.


It’s easy being green! With a few changes here and there, you can be an eco-friendly dater in no time. Sustainable and green dates are not just good for the planet; they show others that you care about the earth and the future of its inhabitants. And it doesn’t hurt that it might make you sexier to your potential or current romantic partner!

Oh, and by the way, If you’re still looking for that special someone to share your eco-friendly dates with, we can help with that. Why no head over to our extensive dating app reviews page and find a dating app that will work for you!

Going green on your dates is a great way to show you care—both about your partner and the planet. Swapping out the usual for something more sustainable can make your time together fun, and you’re doing some good for the earth. Green is good!

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