Finding Love in Unexpected Places


There’s a saying that goes, “May love find you when you least expect, where you least expected.” Yes, it sounds like an inspirational quote you’d find on one of those pictures with a horse running through a meadow, but that doesn’t make it any less poignant.

There are millions of stories of people who said they met their other half when they weren’t looking for anything serious, were not in dating mode, or for whatever reason they have for temporarily taking themselves off the market. As a matter of fact, I was one of those people after a bad breakup. I’d sworn off dating, but two months later, I met someone at a work function and my “I’m staying single” proclamations went right out the window.  

Why are we telling you this? Because love can find you when and where you least expect it! You could be strolling through a farmers market and BAM! You bump into someone, drop your fresh produce, knock heads when you both kneel down to pick up those fresh peaches, and it’s a meet-cute straight out of a rom com. The point is, love can be found in the most surprising and unconventional locations—as long as you keep an open mind and heart, it could happen to you!

The Concept of Unexpected Love

We’ve been conditioned to thinking we’ll only find love at a party, via mutual friends, or on dating apps, but that’s not true at all! Love has a knack for sneaking up on us in surprising places. And unexpected encounters turn into some of the best and lasting romantic relationships.

So when we say “unexpected places,” we mean those everyday spots or scenarios where romance isn’t typically sought. Here’s what (and where) we are talking about:

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  • At Work: The office might seem like an unusual or even frowned upon place to find love, but work can bring together people with the same goals and values. During all of the meetings and deadlines, connections can form over common projects and late-night brainstorming sessions.
  • During Travel: Traveling opens up a world of possibilities, and meeting someone new while exploring a foreign city or even on a flight to your destination can turn into a romantic adventure. Common experiences in new places tend to create strong bonds really quickly!
  • Through Hobbies: Whether it’s a book club, a pottery class, or a cycling or running group, hobbies are such a great way to meet like-minded people. A common love for an activity is a solid foundation for a romantic relationship.
  • Online Communities: Social media and online forums can also serve as unexpected sources of love. From Instagram to the more niche online communities like Reddit, digital interactions can and do turn into real-life romance. Digital platforms provide a novel space for people to connect over common interests.
  • Public Transport: Yes, it sounds like a rom-com cliché, but people do find love on their daily commute. A boring train bus ride could be the start of something beautiful.
  • Charity Events: Volunteering for a cause close to your heart can turn into meeting someone who has the same values and passions, and the collaborative environment of charity work can build super-strong connections.
  • Gyms and Fitness Classes: Physical activity not only keeps you healthy but can also be a great way to meet someone. Whether it’s a Pilates class or a fitness boot camp, common fitness goals bring people together.
  • Bookstores and Libraries: For bookworms, a chance encounter in the aisles of a bookstore or library can be a delightful way to meet someone with similar literary tastes. Browsing the same section might lead to a convo about favorite books.
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The Magic of Serendipity

Serendipity is more than a NYC restaurant famous for its frozen hot chocolate—it’s the wonderful element of a fateful, almost predestined surprise—the unexpected that brings happiness and wonder into our lives.

When love happens unexpectedly, it feels like a happy accident—one that crashes into us with a fresh and exciting perspective on life. These kinds of moments are unscripted and real, and feel like you have found a soulmate when you weren’t even looking.

The joy of these serendipitous moments is in their unpredictability. They remind us that love doesn’t always follow a plan, and sometimes the best things happen when we least expect them.

Workplaces and Professional Settings

Finding love at work or during professional events might seem unprofessional, but unless there is a “no dating coworkers” policy in place, it happens…a lot. After all, we spend most of our time at work! Office environments and professional gatherings are good opportunities for people to connect—look below for some real-life stories that highlight the magic of workplace romance!

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Real Stories of Couples Who Met at Work

  • Melissa and Garrett: Melissa and Garrett met during their summer jobs while on an Alaskan cruise vacation. Despite being young and at the start of new chapters in their lives, their relationship blossomed from that initial meeting. They have been together since then, showing that even seasonal work can lead to lifelong partnerships.
  • Courtney Hope and Chad Duell: While Courtney is known for her role as Sally Spectra on The Bold and the Beautiful, she met Chad Duell, who plays Michael Corinthos on General Hospital, through their work in the soap opera industry. Their common profession brought them together, and they have been in a relationship for several years!
  • Brittany and Derrick: This couple met during their sophomore year of college while working part-time at Macy’s. Initially, both had a rule against dating colleagues, but their frequent interactions led to an undeniable connection. They’ve been together since 1985, proving that sometimes breaking personal rules can lead to unexpected happiness.
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Navigating Professional Boundaries

Of course, finding romance at work can be exciting but it also comes with some tricky gray areas. Balancing professionalism with personal relationships requires super careful navigation to uphold both the integrity of the workplace and the health of the relationship. Here are some tips to help:

  • Keep It Profesh: Maintain professional behavior during work hours. That means no PDA (public displays of affection) and keep your interactions work-focused while on the clock. This keeps it respectful in a work environment.
  • Understand Company Policies: Many workplaces have specific policies regarding workplace relationships. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines to make sure that you and your partner aren’t breaking the rules.
  • Set Boundaries: Discuss and agree on boundaries with your partner. Decide how you will handle work-related conflicts and keep personal issues out of the workplace. This will help prevent personal issues from affecting your professional performance.
  • Communicate Openly: Clear and open communication is super important, so make sure to talk about any concerns or issues that arise from working together so you can avoid misunderstandings and keep your relationship happy and healthy.
  • Plan for Possible Changes: Be prepared for the possibility that one of you may need to change roles or even companies if the relationship becomes a conflict of interest or if it starts affecting your work.
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Success Stories

  • Ryu Soo Young and Park Ha Sun: These two met while working on the 2013 drama Two Weeks. They developed a close bond while working together and got married in early 2017. Their story shows how far the same professional experiences can turn into strong personal connections.
  • Melissa and Garrett: This couple met at work and casually dated for a few weeks before Melissa got seriously ill. Garrett stayed by her side throughout her hospitalization, and their relationship grew stronger from this experience—they have been happily married for over a decade.
  • Flight Crew Couple: A commercial airline pilot and a flight attendant met while working together, and their professional interactions led to an intense personal connection. They eventually married, started a family, and now run a bed and breakfast together.

These stories illustrate that love can indeed bloom even in professional settings. With careful navigation of professional boundaries and a commitment to clear communication, workplace romances can lead to happy and lasting relationships. So, the next time you’re at work or a professional event, keep an open mind—you could be networking with the “one.”

Traveling and Adventures

Traveling opens up a world of possibilities, not just for discovering new places, but also for meeting new people! The freedom, excitement, and unpredictability of travel can turn into unexpected romantic encounters. When you’re on the road, you’re often more open to new experiences and people, which can create the perfect conditions for love to bloom.

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Love on the Road

Traveling can be an exciting and transformative experience, not just for the destinations you visit, but also for the people you meet along the way. The sense of freedom and adventure that comes with being on the road can create the perfect environment for unexpected romantic encounters. Whether it’s a romance on a beach vacay or a connection formed during a hiking excursion, travel can lead to memorable and life-changing relationships.

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Tips for Meeting People While Traveling

  • Stay in Social Accommodations: Hostels, guesthouses, and B&Bs often have communal areas where travelers can easily meet and interact. Choose accommodations with common rooms, kitchens, or organized activities to increase your chances of meeting others.
  • Join Group Tours and Activities: Participating in guided tours, adventure activities, or classes can be a great way to meet like-minded travelers. These settings provide natural opportunities for conversation and connection.
  • Use Travel Apps and Social Media: Apps like Meetup, Couchsurfing, and dating apps with travel features can help you connect with locals and other travelers. Join Facebook groups related to your destination to find events and meetups.
  • Be Open and Approachable: Smile, make eye contact, and don’t be afraid to start a chat with a fellow traveler or local. Showing genuine interest in others can lead to good connections.
  • Attend Local Events: Check out local festivals, markets, and events. These gatherings are usually really social and provide a great opportunity to meet people in a relaxed environment.
  • Travel Slowly: Spending more time in one place means you can create deeper connections with the people you meet, so think about staying put in one location for a few weeks rather than hopping from city to city every few days!
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Adventure Stories

  • Jill, 80, from Florida, traveled solo to Puerto Rico 56 years ago and met a man on the beach. This unexpected encounter led to a lifelong romance. Upon returning to New York, Jill dated both her then-boyfriend and her new love interest, eventually choosing the latter. They got engaged and married the following year, celebrating 56 years together this April. Jill’s story highlights the power of solo travel in opening doors to unexpected love.
  • David, 34, from Buffalo, met his future spouse at a destination wedding in Chicago. Their connection at the event turned into a long-term relationship, leading to marriage five years later. David’s advice for finding love on the road is to always take chances, as you never know where they might take you.
  • Rohan met her partner in Germany during a trip. Despite the challenges of long-distance, their relationship thrived with constant communication and adventures. They eventually moved to New Zealand together and continued exploring the world. This story shows how travel can not only ignite romance but also strengthen relationships through common experiences and long-distance challenges.
  • Tia left Canada for a solo adventure in Australia, where she met her partner from New Zealand. They spent five years together in Australia before moving to Bali. Now engaged and planning their wedding, Tia and her partner enjoy slow travel in Southeast Asia. Their journey underscores how travel can lead to life-changing relationships and new beginnings in unexpected places!
  • Chris and Lindsay met on a mission trip to Cuba. Their focus on helping local youth turned into a romantic connection that led to marriage in Honduras. Their story highlights how even the most selfless travel experiences can bring people together in unexpected ways.

These stories illustrate the magic of travel and how it creates opportunities for love and connection. Whether through an impulsive decision to extend a trip, a chance meeting in a hostel, or a flirty encounter on a train, travel can bring people together in remarkable ways. So, pack your bags, keep an open mind, and you might just find love on your next adventure!

Hobbies and Interests

Doing your fav hobbies and interests is a fantastic way to meet new people and find a romantic partner. Activities you love to do are a natural platform for building connections and romantic relationships. Let’s see how common interests can be a bridge to better connections and look at some inspiring stories of couples who met through their hobbies.

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Common Interests as a Connection Point

Hobbies are an organic way to connect with others. Participating in activities you are passionate about brings out genuine enthusiasm, which goes a long way in forming real bonds. Whether it’s playing a sport, attending a book club, or taking a cooking class, common interests offer so many opportunities to interact and connect on a personal level. Engaging in a hobby with someone lets you see them in a different light, building on teamwork, communication, and mutual respect.

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Joining Clubs and Groups

One of the best ways to meet like-minded singles is by joining clubs, groups, or classes that match up with your interests. Here are a few ideas if you’re at a loss:

  • Sports Leagues: Join a local sports league or fitness class. Whether it’s soccer, tennis, yoga, or running, these activities not only keep you healthy but also provide a great way to meet new people.
  • Book Clubs: If you’re a reader, joining a book club can be a wonderful way to talk about your favorite books and authors while also connecting with fellow book lovers.
  • Cooking Classes: Cooking classes are a fun and interactive way to learn new recipes and culinary skills. They also create a super relaxed environment for meeting new people.
  • Art and Craft Workshops: Activities like painting, pottery, or knitting can be both therapeutic and social. Workshops and classes provide a communal space to share ideas and techniques.
  • Volunteer Groups: Volunteering for a cause you care about can be incredibly fulfilling and is a great way to meet others who share your passion for making a difference.
  • Music and Dance Classes: Learning to play an instrument or taking dance lessons can be a fun way to meet people and share an interest in the arts.
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Inspiring Stories

  • Manuel and Pauline met through a dating site and discovered their unusual interests in theology, New York City, and the band Deftones. This combo of interests kicked off conversations that strengthened their connection, eventually leading to marriage. Their story highlights the importance of common passions in building a romantic relationship.
  • Josh and Joanna bonded over their love for board games. Their first meeting was a little awkward, but they quickly found common ground and relaxed with each other during their subsequent dates. Their shared interest in board games laid the foundation for their relationship, which culminated in marriage in 2017.
  • Colin and Emma met through a mutual love for the TV show Frasier. They got engaged and are planning their wedding. Their common interest in a particular TV show not only brought them together but is also a really cute “how we met” story to tell others.
  • Gilly and Rob met on a dating app and discovered they both loved walking and biking. They spent time together doing these activities, which helped them form a strong bond. As they got to know each other better, they even explored new interests together, like dancing and taking up golf.
  • Denise and Dirk met on an online dating app in 2007 and were married two years later. They credit their compatibility and common values to the matching system of the platform they used. Their story shows how dating platforms can help bring together people with the same interests.

Dating Apps and Social Media

It is the digital age, so finding love online isn’t exactly an unexpected place for the younger generations, but to the older ones? Totally unexpected and off the beaten path for them! Dating apps, forums, social media groups, and online games have all emerged as hot spots where people meet, connect, and fall in love. All of these platforms break down geographical barriers, allowing people to interact with people they would never cross paths with IRL. The convenience and accessibility of online interactions is amazing for making genuine connections!

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Tips for Success in Digital Dating

If you’re new to digital dating, the following are the best tips for a successful online adventure!

  • Create a Genuine Profile: Be honest about who you are and what you’re looking for. Authenticity attracts like-minded individuals and sets the stage for meaningful connections.
  • Choose the Right Platform: Different apps and online communities cater to different needs. Select one that matches up with your interests and relationship goals.
  • Use High-Quality Photos: A clear, recent photo that shows your face is essential. Photos that reflect your hobbies and lifestyle can also be great conversation starters.
  • Write a Thoughtful Bio: Your bio should reflect your personality and what you’re looking for in a partner. Avoid clichés and be specific about your interests.
  • Be Proactive: Don’t wait for others to reach out—start conversations with people who interest you! A simple, genuine message can go a long way.
  • Stay Safe: Protect your personal information and be cautious about sharing too much too soon. Always meet in public places for first dates.
  • Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Ask open-ended questions and show genuine interest in getting to know the other person. This helps build a stronger connection.
  • Be Patient: Finding the right match can take time. Try not to get too discouraged by any false starts or mismatches.
  • Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that not every interaction will result in a long-term relationship. Approach each conversation with an open mind.
  • Have Fun: Enjoy the process of meeting new people, keep a positive attitude and be open to new experiences.
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Real-Life Examples

  • Jessica and Gerwin met through an online game, DotA. Their bond grew over three years of playing together and communicating via WeChat. Despite the long-distance nature of their relationship, they nurtured their connection with sincerity and eventually got married in January 2020.
  • Monnette and Simone met on Bumble in early 2019. What started with a casual “Hey” turned into a conversation that lasted for days. They met in person for a Korean barbecue and coffee, and their chemistry was undeniable. They are now happily together, with plans for the future.
  • Ashton and Matt met on Bumble and had an immediate connection during their first date in Houston, Texas. They quickly realized they wanted to spend their lives together. Matt proposed in February 2020, and the couple is happily engaged, eagerly planning their wedding.
  • Susie and Brian met on eharmony in August 2013. Despite coming from different backgrounds, they quickly connected and got engaged less than a year later. They married in November 2014 and now have a child together, celebrating their love that began online.
  • Meru met Brian through and felt an immediate connection. They met for coffee and ended up talking until the store closed. Five years later, they are still happily together, proving that quick decisions on dating apps can lead to lasting love.
  • Lauren and Olivia met on OkCupid. Their first date was memorable, and their connection grew stronger over time. They got engaged on Olivia’s birthday and married two years later. Their relationship thrived because of their genuine dating profiles and mutual interests.
  • Brendan and Josh met on a dating app and they talked online for about a month before meeting in person. Their honest and open communication led to a strong bond, and they have been together for six years.
  • Kari and Chris connected on through their shared love of music. Their first date lasted until the early hours of the morning, and they got married a year later. They have been together for over a decade and have three children.
  • Jennifer and Derek met on eharmony, bonding over their shared love for blues music. They moved across the country together and now run a coffee business, blending their professional and personal lives.
  • Vanessa and Eddy met on a dating app and immediately connected. After a few dates, they decided to make it official. They have been together ever since, nurturing their relationship and growing closer each day.

These stories highlight all of the different ways people can find love online. Whether through dedicated dating apps, social media, or online games, the digital world offers endless possibilities for connection. By being authentic, proactive, and patient, you can navigate the digital dating landscape and find love!

Volunteering and Community Service

Volunteering not only benefits those in need but can also work in your favor for meeting those with the same passion for helping others. The sense of camaraderie that comes with community service is a solid base for strong, meaningful connections—including romantic relationships. When you work alongside someone who is equally committed to making a difference, you can form bonds that go beyond volunteering!

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Giving Back and Finding Love

When people come together to support a cause, they find themselves united by common causes and interests. This environment builds trust, cooperation, and mutual respect, which are essential elements of any relationship. Regardless if it’s building homes, helping at a food bank or animal shelter, or doing your part in environmental cleanups, volunteering is one of the most rewarding ways to meet potential romantic partners who share your dedication to making a positive impact!

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Volunteering Opportunities

The following are some volunteering activities where you could meet the love of your life:

  • Habitat for Humanity: Building homes for those in need is a great way to meet people who are dedicated to making a difference.
  • Animal Shelters: Volunteering to care for animals will connect you with other animal lovers.
  • Food Banks: Helping to distribute food to those in need creates a sense of community among volunteers.
  • Environmental Cleanups: Participating in beach or park cleanups can bring together people who care about the environment.
  • Local Hospitals: Volunteering at hospitals or healthcare facilities can be a super fulfilling way to meet others while supporting your community.
  • Tutoring and Mentoring: Assisting with educational programs for children and young adults can help you connect with others who value education.
  • Community Gardens: Working in a community garden can be a zen way to meet people who love to be in nature and care about sustainability.
  • Senior Centers: Providing companionship and assistance to the elderly can create strong bonds among volunteers.
  • Arts and Cultural Programs: Volunteering at museums, theaters, or cultural festivals can connect you with others who appreciate the arts.
  • Crisis Hotlines: Volunteering for a crisis hotline can be a meaningful way to support others and meet compassionate and empathetic people.
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Heartwarming Stories

  • Jessie met her husband Tim while volunteering with Habitat for Humanity. They worked together on a construction site, and their shared passion for helping others led to a strong connection. They started dating two weeks later and got engaged within a year. They now have a family and continue to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, where their love story began.
  • High school sweethearts Mark and Mabel reconnected 35 years later through volunteering. After both went through divorces, they found each other again and planned to marry. They turned their honeymoon plans into a volunteer trip with Habitat for Humanity in the Florida Keys after Hurricane Irma, mixing romance with a commitment to helping others.
  • Sonya and Ethan became foster parents and decided to take a year off to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity in Hawaii. They worked together on various projects, including disaster recovery after a volcanic eruption. Their shared experiences in helping others strengthened their relationship, making their volunteer year an unforgettable chapter of their lives.
  • Kyle and Kathleen met at the top of a roof while volunteering with Habitat for Humanity. They both joined a regular crew working on home repair projects. Their bond grew over the summer as they worked together, leading to a date and eventually marriage. They continued to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, giving back to the community that brought them together.
  • Dan and Sarah met while volunteering at a local food bank. They quickly bonded over their mutual dedication to helping those in need. Their regular volunteer shifts turned into coffee dates, and their relationship blossomed from there. They are now happily married and continue to volunteer together.
  • Emily and David’s love story began at an animal shelter where they both volunteered. Their mutual love for animals brought them together as they cared for homeless pets. Over time, their friendship turned romantic, and they now run a rescue organization together, dedicating their lives to the cause that first connected them.
  • Lucy and Jake met during a beach cleanup event. They spent the day working side by side, talking and laughing. Their passion for environmental conservation built a connection that went beyond the event. They began dating and now frequently participate in environmental initiatives as a couple.
  • Rachel and Sam met at a tutoring program for underprivileged children. Their common commitment to education and helping others led to a connection. They started dating and now run a nonprofit organization focused on providing educational resources to children in need.

These stories show the potential for love to grow in volunteer settings. By giving back to the community, not only can you make a positive impact, but you might also find someone who shares your values and passions. So, get involved, volunteer, and you never know—you might just meet your future partner while making a difference.

Daily Life and Routine Activities

Sometimes the most ordinary ho-hum moments in our daily lives can turn into extraordinary connections. It could be a quick trip to the grocery store for a quart of milk, a daily commute, or a late night workout at the gym—routine activities are brimming with chances for unexpected romantic encounters because everyone is doing them. Being open to new experiences and interactions in these settings could equal an encounter that will turn into something much more, so keep your eyes peeled!

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Everyday Encounters

Despite what you may believe, finding love does not necessitate some grand gesture or elaborate plan. In reality, the best connections happen during everyday activities like grabbing a coffee, going to Trader Joe’s for that pickle-flavored popcorn you love, or even sitting in class. What seem like mundane moments can transform into life-changing encounters, proving that love can be found in the most unexpected places. Simple interactions, like a friendly chat in the supermarket queue or a smile, exchanged on the train, can turn into romantic relationships.

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Staying Open and Approachable

Want to improve your chances of making connections in everyday settings? We have tips on staying open and approachable!

  • Smile and Make Eye Contact: A warm smile and direct eye contact can make you appear more friendly and approachable.
  • Be Present: Put away your phone and be aware of your surroundings. Engaging with the world around you makes it easier to notice possible connections.
  • Start Small Conversations: Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with someone while waiting in line or working out. Simple topics like the weather, a compliment, or a mutual interest can break the ice.
  • Attend Regularly: Frequenting the same places, like your local coffee shop or gym, increases the chances of running into the same people and building familiarity.
  • Join Classes or Groups: Participate in classes or groups related to your interests, like a fitness class or a book club. This not only enriches your life but also gives you opportunities to meet like-minded singles.
  • Be Genuine: Authenticity is always attractive, so be yourself and let your real personality come out in your interactions.
  • Show Interest: Ask questions and show genuine interest in getting to know others—people appreciate when someone takes an interest in their lives.
  • Offer Help: Simple acts of kindness, like helping someone carry groceries or offering directions, can lead to meaningful interactions—it’s also just a nice thing to do.
  • Stay Positive: A positive attitude is contagious. Being upbeat and approachable makes it easier for others to start a conversation with you.
  • Be Open to New Experiences: Try to get out of your comfort zone and try new things or go to new places. You never know where you might meet someone special.
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Unexpected Love Stories

  • Pam met Chris in high school, bonding over their hard trigonometry homework, and one day Pam asked Chris about his mother’s passing, which led to some heavy conversations and a growing connection. They spent months talking and eventually realized their bond was about much more than just homework—they’ve now been married for 25 years.
  • Michelle and her boyfriend were moving back to college when she blurted out her love for him while unpacking. Despite her embarrassment, her boyfriend laughed and acknowledged the truth in her words. Five years later, they are married and celebrating the birth of their first daughter.
  • Barbara worked as a hostess and met her future husband, the assistant manager, at the restaurant where she worked. Their professional relationship quickly turned romantic after he asked her out for a drink. They fell in love that night and stayed together until his death 42 years later.
  • JoJo and Eric met during a dinner date set up by a mutual friend while JoJo was in Los Angeles for work. Despite their different backgrounds, they connected—she felt an immediate bond with Eric and his children, who had lost their mother to cancer the previous year. They are still together and happy as can be.
  • Michael and Matt first met during a business meeting but didn’t start dating until they reconnected years later at a new job. Their professional interactions eventually led to personal ones, and once they started dating, they committed to each other and are now happily married.
  • Kelly Marie and Dave met when he bought her a glass of wine at the restaurant where he was bartending. Their friendship eventually turned into romance, and they got married.
  • Tiler and Robbie met as teenagers in a jazz dance class in New York City. Their on-again, off-again relationship endured through the years, ultimately leading to a marriage proposal in Paris. They are now both principal dancers for the New York City Ballet, happily married and sharing a lifelong passion for dance.
  • Minhee and Truman met in elementary school and stayed friends through high school and college. It wasn’t until 14 years later that Truman asked Minhee out on a date. They married in front of many of the same friends they had since elementary school!


Finding love in the most ordinary moments can turn your everyday meh routine into something really special. From a quick chat in the grocery store checkout line to a smile swapped on public transit, the possibility for meaningful connections is all around us! By staying open and approachable, even the seemingly mundane encounters can turn into something really special.

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Keep reading for a quick recap of all the unexpected places where love might be hiding in plain sight!

  • Grocery Shopping: Who knew picking out apples could spark romance?
  • Commuting: A friendly chat on the bus or train might just lead to your next date.
  • At the Gym: Sweating it out together in fitness classes can be a great way to meet someone new.
  • High School and College: Reconnecting with old friends or working on homework together can ignite a fire.
  • Restaurants and Coffee Shops: Casual chats over coffee or dinner can turn into strong connections.
  • Online Interactions: A simple comment or message on social media could turn into something more.
  • Volunteering: Working side by side on community projects tends to bring people closer.
  • Workplace: Collaborating on professional tasks can sometimes lead to personal connections.

Stay open to the possibilities and welcome the unexpected—love often finds us in the most unanticipated moments, so engage with the world around you. Wake up every day with an open heart and a positive attitude.

Who knows? You might just find love where you least expect it.

For more blogs, tips, and to find out what the best dating apps for meeting new people are, check out If you’re looking for love, friendship, or just a new connection, we have the absolute best resources to help you find what you’re looking for.

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