One of the main reasons people want to try online dating and dating, in general, is to make a solid connection with someone else. And while this need is relatively easy to meet, it can be overwhelming if you’re in your a lonely senior trying to figure out the world of online dating.
That being said, we think that it’s incredibly important for people of all ages, especially those of the older generation, to get comfortable with online dating and reap the benefits of finding that connection that so often happens on dating apps.
It’s no secret that seniors can feel symptoms of loneliness and isolation in their later years, so we want to do our best to combat those feelings and help people reach out across the internet to make the right connections with others.
One of the best ways to connect with an entirely new community is to join a dating app. No matter what you’re looking for and what you want, whether that’s a friend, a companion, a partner, a romantic partner, or a spouse — dating apps open up a whole new world of communication and community that is integral for someone who might be getting older to experience.
We believe everyone should have a chance to find love, regardless of age, race, gender, or preferences. And that’s why it’s so essential for the older generation to use online dating to combat loneliness and isolation.
Isolation for Lonely Seniors
Although it might not seem like the biggest plague in the world right now, loneliness is one of the most serious public health risks currently affecting the older generation.
A report conducted by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine found that one-third of adults older than 45 years had feelings of loneliness. The study went on to say that one-fourth of adults who were older than 65 years considered themselves socially isolated.
While, in general, no one wants to feel those isolated feelings because they’re not good feelings, isolation and loneliness can lead to health issues later on, especially if the person who is combatting those emotions is later in life.
Several recent studies have found that if someone over 50 is combatting feelings of being socially isolated or lonely, they are more likely to have a health risk in their life.
One astounding fact is that people who suffer from loneliness and isolation have a higher risk of premature death than those with a history of smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity.
Social isolation also creates a 50% increased risk of dementia in some cases, a 29% increased risk of heart disease, and a 32% increased risk of a stroke.
Not to mention, lonely seniors also tend to suffer from higher rates of anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts than those who don’t.
By now, it’s no secret that not only does no one want to be a lonely senior, but it can actually kill you, or at least increase your risk of dying.
So what should you do? Though we know it’s easier said than done, the answer is to reach out to others and start connecting with them. One of the best and easiest ways to do this is to try online dating. And no, you’re never too old to start online dating.
Online Dating for the Lonely Senior
Although it might seem like a big step to tell a lonely senior you know to sign up for Bumble or Tinder, it’s actually pretty common in today’s world for people over the age of 55 to get online and start finding love.
Many seniors prefer online dating to dating ‘in real life’ because their age can prevent them from picking girls up in bars anymore. Online dating often provides them with a safe and niche environment where they can find love.
According to Pew Research, the number of singles on dating apps between the ages of 55-64 doubled between 2013-2016.
And those numbers have only escalated in the past few years as the pandemic hit; people became more lonely and isolated and started turning to dating apps to fill that void.

And, of course, lonely seniors were leading some of that movement. Now, senior dating apps and websites dedicated to helping the older generation find love are not only popular but also a necessary addition to the dating world.
If you’re wondering why we love and support seniors trying out online dating apps to help combat their loneliness, here are some of our favorite reasons.
Lonely Seniors Want to Find Love
When you think about it, most of the Baby Boomer generation wanted to find love and marriage. They were raised with that in mind. Now, after a good few years, many of them are back on the market for whatever reason and want to find love again.
Love might look different for everyone on these apps because their lives are different. I come from an older family, so my mother, who is 68, started online dating just last year. My father, 67, met his now wife almost five years ago on And my aunt, who was in her fifties at the time of this story, dated a guy online for a year until she found her high school sweetheart at a reunion, and they decided to get married!
To make a long story short, all my family members who have found various degrees of success and ‘fun’ stories due to online dating were in their later years and still craved that connection.
If you’re a part of the older generation, not necessarily looking for something crazy, and you’re over your days of finding flings, you might want to try online dating.
There’s really no other place in the world that is quite like it and nothing that provides such a niche and personalized experience that will help you find love at any age.
It’s okay to want love and want to discover someone with whom to settle down, no matter what your age. And dating apps are the place to find everything you want.
At the end of the day, if you’re a lonely senior looking for love, you might find it easier than you could have ever imagined, and you can find any kind of love online.
Dating Apps for Seniors Are Wonderful
There’s really no other way to say it. We love how the online dating world has not only accepted the older generation into its culture but also made it so easy for anyone to find love online.
With apps like Silver Singles, OurTime, and even eHarmony, the online dating world is not only open for lonely seniors to find love with it, but it’s an excellent tool for them to use and navigate the dating world with.
Almost every dating app geared toward the older generation is easy to use, self-explanatory, and one of the leaders in technology and interface design.
The success of dating apps relies on their customer’s success in finding love, so no dating app wants to create a niche audience and not cater to them. Because of this, many dating apps have caught on to the fact that many people in the older generation still want to find love, and those apps want to make it possible.
While bells and whistles can be fun on some dating apps for precise audiences, the apps explicitly geared toward seniors or those who are later on in their years are created with the utmost care and respect for those people.
Most dating apps geared specifically toward seniors or people in the older generation hand-pick their users’ matches for them every day and utilize the algorithm and their programs to make sure that they find the best of the best matches for everyone who is using their program.
Because of this, it’s almost like everyone on these apps has their own personal matchmakers working for them all day, every day.
You Get To Connect with Like-Minded People in a Similar Stage of Life to You
One of the things I really appreciated when my mom signed up for was that the website asked its users to state their marital status. Obviously, not because a lot of married people were using the app, but mostly because people who are widowed have a different point of view and healing journey than those who are divorced. And divorced people are in a different boat than those who might have never been married.
While and most dating apps don’t rule out certain people or profiles based on their differing marital status unless you specify that you aren’t interested in a certain status, this is one of the factors that makes online dating so wonderful.
At a glance, you can view all of these different profiles from people all around the world (or all around your area) and know if you have something in common with them.
Online dating opens the world up to its users in ways many couldn’t even imagine before.
Also, suppose you’re using an online dating app that utilizes an algorithm and asks you a series of personality questions that helps the computer find the perfect person for you.
In that case, the app will take more significant steps to start matching you up with like-minded people who share multiple commonalities with you.
While having everything in common with your partner is not only impossible but also probably not the biggest need in a relationship, it is nice to match with people online who you already know that you have some sort of a connection with and whom you don’t have to work too hard to find a spark with.
That fact in and of itself makes online dating in your later years worth it, in our opinion.

Dating Apps Help People Connect with Others
We’re not saying that every single person you see on a dating app is a winner, that would make it all a bit too easy, but we are saying that if you crave that connection, you will be able to find someone who will not only fill the void and make you feel less lonely, you’ll be able to find someone who might be your life partner or your best friend.
This is the main point we’re trying to hammer in with this article. No matter if you just want someone to talk to or meet up with every now and then, or if you maybe want to get married again, dating apps are the palace to find like-minded people who really want the same thing as you do.
And, at the end of the day, if you have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince charming, at least you have a funny story to tell about the experience. But we’re confident that you’ll find the right person online.
Even Though It’s Scary, It’s Worth It
I know we’re saying all these things about finding love online and making it seem so easy, but from personal experience watching my mom try online dating, it’s not all butterflies and unicorns.
Yes, it can be overwhelming to get online and try looking for love, especially if you were married or in a relationship before and you’re still relearning what life is like without your past partner.
It can be discouraging to feel that trying online dating is the only solution to combat your loneliness. But even though you might have plenty of friends and connections ‘in the real world,’ sometimes it is worth taking a chance and looking for that extra spark of romance in your life.
And we’re not going to lie; you’ll find a connection when you start online dating.
There are so many people in the same boat and feeling almost all of the things you’re feeling, and it will be so beneficial for you to reach out to them. And if nothing else, at least receive some affirmation that you’re not alone in this at all.
At the end of the day, just like the dating apps you’re about to download, we want you to be happy and fulfilled. And while we do not at all believe that the only way anyone can find happiness is by getting into a relationship with someone, we do know that it is a great way to find a connection with someone you might never have thought possible before.
Why Dating Apps Might Be Discouraging for the Older Generation
If you’ve wanted to step into the world of online dating but are unsure if you’re the right age for it, this is our love letter to you.
Online dating has exploded in its popularity during the past few years. Meeting people online and chatting with them from the but are unsure comfort of your own home definitely became one of the most popular ways to meet people after the pandemic, and many people aren’t returning to their old ways.
Because of this, the dating world has changed exponentially in the past few years and almost launched people into a more modern age of dating. Let’s be very clear, this is not a bad thing whatsoever. We love dating apps and the effect that they’ve had on society, the ease that is now available for people to meet all kinds of other people online and all over the world.
Online dating is digital and can be overwhelming for people who aren’t tech-savvy or up-to-date with the newest trends. In this case, the older generation. But we also want people who might be a bit scared to join the online dating world to know that there is not only a place for them but multiple avenues and resources for them.
Final Thoughts
We understand that online dating in your later years can be a bit daunting, and it might not excite you as much as you think it should, but we want to encourage you on your journey to find love, and we want your experience to be wonderful and easy.
Because of that, we believe that trying out online dating might be the best thing you can do to fight any feeling of loneliness and isolation. We’re on your side, we love you, and we hope you have an amazing experience while you’re online dating.