The Importance of Honesty in Dating: Building a Relationship on Trust and Transparency


Jack Nicholson once famously said, “There’s only two people in your life you should lie to… the police and your girlfriend.”

While this quote is funny, and we don’t entirely disagree on the cop’s part, we do take issue with lying to your girlfriend. Yes, lying to your romantic partner might get you out of a sticky situation at the moment, but it will come back to bite you later on. Either they will find out that you were dishonest or you are trying to build a relationship on lies—either way, it will crumble.

That’s why being honest from the start is the foundation of any happy and healthy romance—it lays the groundwork for trust and transparency so that both partners feel secure and understood!

You are building a relationship that goes way deeper than mere surface-level stuff. The importance of honesty in dating cannot be understated, so don’t look to Jack Nicholson for romantic advice. We’ll steer you in the right direction when it comes to building a relationship on trust and transparency!

Defining Honesty in Dating

Honesty is often hailed as the cornerstone of any successful relationship. But what does it truly mean to be honest in the context of dating? Understanding the nuances of honesty and how it differs from transparency can help build a foundation of trust and openness with your partner.

What Does Honesty Mean?

In dating, honesty goes beyond just telling the truth—it means being genuine and authentic with your partner and expressing your thoughts and feelings without sugarcoating or manipulating your words. Honesty means being true to yourself and your partner, which builds a stronger connection and common understanding. It’s about showing your real self, including your morals, desires, and even your “weird” habits and mistakes. This level of authenticity lets your partner in so they can really know you to your bones, which is a must for a strong relationship.

You might think that honesty just means you don’t tell lies, but that’s only half of it! It encompasses being open and vulnerable about what is meaningful and important to you, too. If something is bothering you? Being honest means telling them what’s on your mind instead of stewing over it and letting it fester—that builds resentment. It’s also about being reliable and keeping your word, which builds up trust over time.

Happy Woman Hand in Heart

Honesty vs. Transparency

While honesty and transparency are related, they are not the same. Honesty is telling the truth when asked or when necessary, but transparency is a little more nuanced. Transparency is when you voluntarily share info and feelings without being prompted to do so. This creates an environment where there aren’t any secrets, and both partners feel comfortable being open about what’s happening in their lives and their emotions.

  • Transparency means you don’t hide aspects of your life that might affect your partner—this could be disclosing your financial situation, your health status, or any past experiences that could impact your relationship. You are giving the other a clear view of who you are and what’s going on in your life without waiting to be asked.
  • On the other hand, honesty is about being truthful when necessary. No, it doesn’t require you to disclose every single thought that pops into your mind. It does mean that you do not deceive or lie to your partner. If they ask if something is wrong and you respond truthfully, you are being honest. If you share what’s on your mind before being asked, you are being transparent.

Both honesty and transparency are super important for a healthy relationship. Honesty builds trust by guaranteeing that you and your partner can rely on each other’s words and actions. Transparency builds upon this trust by eliminating any lingering doubts and creating a sense of security and openness. When both partners practice honesty and transparency, it leads to a better understanding and a way more resilient bond!

The Foundation of Trust

Trust is the Krazy Glue that holds relationships together, and it is not built in a day—it’s a gradual process via consistent actions and honest communication. Without trust, even the tiniest issues can turn into big cracks, like a spidering windshield that was hit by a rock kicked up by another car on the highway. Let’s take a look at how honesty plays such a large part in building trust and talk about practical ways to strengthen it in your relationship!

Building Trust: The Role of Honesty

Honesty is the heart and soul of building trust. When you are open and truthful with your partner, you show them that you value and respect them enough to share the real you. This openness promotes a sense of security and understanding, allowing both partners to feel safe and supported.

Consistency in your words and actions is also key when it comes to building trust. When you say you will do something and then follow through, it reinforces your reliability, and dependable behavior helps solidify the foundation of trust because your partner knows they can count on you.

Trust-Building Activities

  • Create a Vision Board Together: Collaborating on a vision board helps you and your partner align your future goals. It provides a fun and interactive way to discuss your dreams and aspirations, encouraging a better connection.
  • Share Vulnerabilities: Take the time to share personal fears or secrets. This exercise deepens intimacy and trust as it involves opening up about aspects of yourself that you might not share with others. Listen with empathy and without judgment when your partner shares their vulnerabilities.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule daily or weekly check-ins with your partner to discuss what’s working well and what might need attention. Regular communication helps prevent misunderstandings and promotes a routine of openness.
  • Practice Gratitude: Regularly expressing gratitude for each other strengthens emotional bonds. Simple gestures of appreciation will likely make your partner feel appreciated and respected.
  • Engage in Trust Exercises: Activities like trust falls, blindfolded challenges or guided meditations can help build trust. These exercises require you to rely on each other, reinforcing the idea that you can depend on your partner.

Real-Life Examples

Sarah and John faced a big challenge when John lost his job. But instead of hiding his financial troubles, which actually happens, John chose to be honest with Sarah about his situation. Together, they created a plan to manage their expenses and supported each other through the tough times. This transparency and teamwork strengthened their relationship, showing that honesty and mutual support can build a resilient partnership.

Another example is Emma and Lucas, who attended a couples’ workshop to improve their communication skills. They learned techniques for active listening and expressing their needs without blame. This investment in their relationship paid off when they had an argument—instead of falling into a cycle of blame, they used their new skills to navigate the conflict constructively, reinforcing their trust in one another.

Then there is Maria and Carlos. Carlos struggled with past relationship traumas that made it hard for him to trust others, so Maria suggested they go to therapy together. Through therapy, Carlos learned to open up about his fears, and Maria learned how to support him without judgment. This journey not only helped Carlos heal but also brought them closer together, proving that with honesty and some effort, trust can be rebuilt.

The Benefits of Being Honest

Honesty is often touted as the best policy, and for good reason. In relationships, being honest isn’t just about not telling any whoppers; it’s about furthering a connection built on trust, security, and understanding. How does honesty lead to emotional security, aid in conflict resolution, and strengthen intimacy between partners? Look below to find out!

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Emotional Security: How Honesty Leads to Stability

Honesty plays a critical role in creating emotional security in a relationship. When partners are truthful with each other, it builds a sense of reliability and safety. Emotional security is when you can express your feelings, fears, and desires without the fear of judgment or ridicule. This open communication allows both partners to feel seen and heard, which is vital for a stable relationship.

Emotional security is grounded in the confidence that your partner is being genuine with you. When you know that your partner is honest, you feel safe to be vulnerable. This vulnerability is the core of deep emotional connections. Dr. Sabrina Romanoff, a clinical psychologist, stresses that honesty enables partners to be their real selves, promoting an environment where both feel secure to share everything with each other.

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Conflict Resolution: The Power of Honesty

Look, you are gonna have arguments with your significant other—conflicts are inevitable in any relationship! It’s how they are handled that can make all the difference. That’s where honesty comes into this equation— it allows partners to address issues directly and transparently. When both partners are honest about their feelings and perspectives, it prevents misunderstandings so they can find workable solutions that are okay with both parties.

An honest dialogue during conflicts helps to avoid the build-up of resentment—when grievances are talked about openly and respectfully, it clears the air and promotes common understanding. If one partner feels neglected or unappreciated, honestly expressing this feeling without blame can turn into a productive conversation about how to better meet each other’s emotional needs.

Moreover, being honest during conflicts encourages a habit of resolving issues as they come up rather than letting them eat away at your insides. This proactive approach not only resolves the current issue but also strengthens the relationship by showing that both partners are committed to keeping up a healthy and open line of communication.

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Strengthening Intimacy: Transparency and Deeper Connections

Transparency in a relationship means more than just being honest; it involves sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences freely. This level of openness brings about better emotional and physical intimacy because it allows both partners to really know each other.

Intimacy thrives on trust, and transparency is a big trust-builder. When you share yourself with your partner, it invites them to do the same, creating a reciprocal relationship of openness and acceptance. This mutual vulnerability strengthens the emotional bond and improves physical intimacy as both partners feel more connected and attuned to each other’s needs and wants.

A couple who regularly shares their daily experiences and feelings with each other will feel closer and more in tune with each other’s lives. It’s not just about communicating the big events but also the mundane, everyday moments that build a common narrative and boost their connection.

Challenges to Honesty in Dating

Honesty is a must in any good relationship, but it can be difficult to achieve, especially in the early stages of dating. Why? Some things can make it hard to be totally truthful, like the fear of rejection, cultural and social pressures, and personal insecurities. Understanding these obstacles and learning how to overcome them is the way to build real and lasting romantic relationships!

Fear of Rejection

One of the biggest reasons people struggle with honesty in dating is the fear of rejection. This fear can make people hide their real feelings, opinions, or important aspects of their lives in order to appear more desirable. The anxiety of not being accepted for who we truly are can be overwhelming, resulting in a façade that, if discovered, can harm the relationship more than the truth ever could.

To overcome the fear of rejection, it’s important to shift the mindset from seeking validation to valuing self-worth. Recognize that a relationship built on false pretenses is unlikely to succeed in the long run.

Being honest from the start allows you to find a partner who genuinely appreciates you for who you are. Open communication about your fears and vulnerabilities can also help reduce the anxiety of being judged, as it usually leads to a better connection and understanding.

Cultural and Social Pressures

Cultural and social pressures can also have a significant impact on one’s ability to be honest in dating. Society usually sets really unrealistic standards and expectations regarding appearance, success, and behavior, which can discourage people from being their true selves. These pressures can come from family expectations, societal norms, or media portrayals of the “ideal” relationship.

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Dealing with these pressures requires a conscious effort to prioritize personal values and authenticity over societal expectations. One effective approach is to engage in self-reflection to find out what really matters to you in a relationship and in a partner. This clarity can help you resist the urge to conform to external pressures. Additionally, looking for supportive communities or groups that value honesty and authenticity can provide a buffer against societal norms that promote dishonesty.

Overcoming Personal Insecurities

Personal insecurities are another major hurdle to honesty in dating. These insecurities can stem from past experiences, body image issues, or self-doubt about one’s worthiness of love and affection. These feelings can make us hide parts of ourselves that we think are unattractive or unworthy, fearing that revealing these aspects will make our partner run in the other direction.

To overcome personal insecurities, it’s important to practice self-compassion and self-acceptance. Here are a few ways you can do this:

  • Acknowledge Your Insecurities: The first step is to recognize and admit your insecurities. Understanding that everyone has flaws and that these do not define your worth can be freeing.
  • Focus on Self-Improvement: While it’s important to accept yourself as you are, working on areas that you feel insecure about can also help boost your confidence. This might involve personal development activities, getting therapy, or practicing self-care routines.
  • Communicate Openly: Sharing your insecurities with your partner can be scary, but it usually leads to increased intimacy and understanding. A supportive partner will appreciate your honesty and provide reassurance, helping to alleviate your fears.
  • Challenge Negative Thoughts: Pay attention to negative self-talk and challenge these thoughts with positive affirmations. Replacing “I’m not good enough” with “I am worthy of love and respect” can alter your mindset over time.

Practical Tips for Being Honest in Dating

Honesty is fundamental for building trust and a healthy relationship, but it can be hard to communicate openly without causing harm. Effective communication, setting boundaries, and being upfront about your intentions are all important in cultivating honesty in dating. Want some practical tips to help navigate these areas? We thought you would!

Good Communication

Communicating honestly without being hurtful requires a delicate balance of tact and empathy. Try out the following techniques:

  • Choose the Right Time and Place: Talk about sensitive topics when both of you are calm and in a private setting. Avoid bringing up important issues during stressful times or in public places.
  • Use “I” Statements: Frame your thoughts and feelings from your own perspective to avoid sounding accusatory. For example, say “I feel concerned when…” instead of “You always…”.
  • Be Direct but Kind: Honesty doesn’t mean being blunt or harsh. Express your feelings directly but with kindness. Do not use words that can come off as critical or judgmental.
  • Active Listening: Listen to your partner’s response without interrupting. Validate their feelings and show that you understand their perspective. This encourages a two-way dialogue and helps prevent misunderstandings.

Setting Boundaries

Setting and respecting boundaries is a necessity in any relationship, as it upholds mutual respect and makes sure that both partners feel comfortable and secure.

  • Define Your Boundaries: Be clear about what you are comfortable with and what your limits are. This includes physical, emotional, and digital boundaries.
  • Communicate Your Boundaries: Once you’ve defined your boundaries, communicate them clearly to your partner. Explain why these boundaries are important to you.
  • Respect Your Partner’s Boundaries: Just as you have boundaries, so does your partner. Respecting their limits is essential for building trust and mutual respect.
  • Revisit Boundaries Regularly: As your relationship evolves, your boundaries may change. Regularly check in with each other to discuss any new boundaries or adjustments.

Being Honest About Intentions

Being clear about your intentions and expectations from the beginning can prevent misunderstandings or miscommunications and create a healthy relationship.

  • State Your Intentions Early: Whether you’re looking for a serious relationship or something more casual, be upfront about it from the start. This helps both partners to be on the same page.
  • Discuss Expectations: Talk about what you both expect from the relationship in terms of commitment, communication, and future goals. Clear expectations prevent future conflicts.
  • Be Consistent: Consistency between your words and actions reinforces your honesty. If your intentions change, communicate this to your partner promptly.
  • Avoid Sending Mixed Signals: Be mindful of how your actions might be interpreted. Avoid behavior that contradicts your stated intentions to prevent confusion and hurt feelings.

Handling Dishonesty

When your partner is dishonest with you, it can be hard to get over or past. It undermines any previous trust and causes emotional upheaval. Addressing dishonesty requires recognizing the signs, confronting the issue, and then making decisions about the future of the relationship.

Recognizing Red Flags

Spotting any signs of dishonesty early on can help prevent bigger issues down the road in a relationship. Here are some of the most common red flags to watch out for:

  • Inconsistent Stories: If your partner’s stories always change or have discrepancies, this is a sign of dishonesty. Pay close attention to details that don’t add up over time.
  • Avoidance of Specific Topics: Consistently steering clear of certain subjects or becoming uncomfortable when they are brought up can indicate that your partner is hiding something.
  • Defensiveness: Overly defensive reactions to simple questions are an indication that your partner is trying to cover up their dishonesty. If they frequently turn the tables on you or react with hostility, it’s worth considering why.
  • Overcompensation: Sudden, excessive affection or unexpected gifts (aka love bombing) can sometimes be attempts to compensate for feelings of guilt that are related to lies they’ve told.
  • Guarded Privacy: If your partner becomes overly protective of their phone, computer, or personal space, this might suggest they are hiding something from you.

Confronting Dishonesty

Addressing dishonesty directly when it comes to light is important for resolving issues and rebuilding trust, so read on to see how you can approach these hard-to-have convos:

  • Start with a Non-Confrontational Approach: Initiate the conversation in a calm and non-accusatory manner. Use “I” statements to express how their actions have affected you rather than placing blame.
  • Try to Understand: Before jumping to conclusions, ask open-ended questions to understand why your partner felt the need to be dishonest. Understanding their motivations can provide insight into underlying issues that need to be addressed.
  • Encourage Transparency: Create a safe space for open communication. Stress that honesty, even when it’s hard, is crucial for the health of the relationship. Encourage your partner to be transparent about their actions and feelings.
  • Listen Actively: Give your partner the opportunity to explain themselves without interrupting. Active listening shows that you are willing to understand their perspective and work towards a resolution.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Make it clear that honesty is non-negotiable in your relationship. Establish common expectations for transparency and communicate the importance of trust.

Moving Forward

Once dishonesty is out in the open, the next steps involve either rebuilding trust or deciding to move on—it’s up to you.

Rebuilding Trust:

  1. Transparency: Both partners should commit to being open about their activities and feelings. Sharing passwords and being upfront about one’s whereabouts can help rebuild trust.
  2. Get Professional Help: Couples therapy can provide guidance and facilitate healthier communication, helping to address the root causes of dishonesty.
  3. Practice Forgiveness: Forgiveness is essential for healing. While it doesn’t mean forgetting or condoning the behavior, it involves letting go of resentment and working towards a positive future.
  4. Focus on Emotional Healing: Engage in things that promote emotional well-being, like journaling, meditation, or individual therapy. Emotional healing is crucial for both partners.
  5. Patience and Understanding: Rebuilding trust takes time. Be patient with yourself and your partner, and understand that setbacks will likely occur. Consistent effort and empathy are key.

Deciding to Move On:

  1. Evaluate the Impact: Consider whether the dishonesty is a one-time occurrence or a pattern. Persistent dishonesty may indicate deeper issues that are unlikely to change.
  2. Respect Yourself: If your partner continues to lie despite efforts to address the issue, it may be time to consider ending the relationship. Continued dishonesty is a sign of disrespect, and staying in such a relationship can harm your self-respect and emotional health.
  3. Get Support: Ending a relationship is really hard, especially when dishonesty is involved, so get support from friends, family, or a therapist to help navigate this difficult time.

Long-Term Benefits of Honesty

Honesty is celebrated as a main component of healthy relationships, but its true value extends far beyond immediate interactions. It lays the groundwork for long-term relationship health and serves as a powerful role model for future generations. Let’s take a peek at how honesty impacts sustained relationship success and the vital role it plays in shaping behaviors and values in children and others around us!

Sustained Relationship Health

  • Building Trust: Honesty is the foundation of trust. When partners are consistently honest with each other, it builds a sense of reliability and safety. Trust allows partners to feel secure, knowing they can depend on each other. This trust forms the bedrock of a resilient relationship, capable of weathering challenges and conflicts.
  • Enhancing Emotional Intimacy: Being honest about one’s thoughts and feelings fosters emotional intimacy. When partners share their true selves, including vulnerabilities and fears, it deepens their connection. This openness allows for a more profound understanding and appreciation of each other, strengthening the bond over time.
Concept of a Healthy Relationship - Two People at Sunset Holding a Heart
  • Effective Conflict Resolution: Honest communication is essential for resolving conflicts effectively. When partners are truthful about their concerns and needs, it prevents misunderstandings and helps in finding mutually acceptable solutions. This approach not only resolves current issues but also builds skills for managing future disagreements in a constructive way.
  • Promoting Personal Growth: Honesty encourages personal growth within the relationship. It requires partners to confront and express their true feelings, fostering an environment where both individuals can evolve. This mutual growth enriches the relationship, making it more dynamic and fulfilling.
  • Maintaining Relationship Satisfaction: Consistent honesty contributes to higher relationship satisfaction. When partners feel they can be themselves and are accepted for who they are, it enhances their overall happiness and satisfaction with the relationship. This satisfaction is crucial for the longevity of the partnership.

Role Modeling for Future Generations

Honesty in a relationship doesn’t just benefit the partners involved; it also sets a powerful example for children and others in the social circle!

  • Teaching Values: Children learn by observing their parents. When they see their parents being honest, even in difficult situations, it teaches them the value of integrity and truthfulness. This modeling helps instill these values in children from a young age, influencing their behavior as they grow.
  • Building Trust in Children: Honest interactions between parents create a secure environment for children. When children see their parents communicating openly and honestly, it reassures them that they can trust their parents with their own thoughts and feelings. This trust is foundational for healthy parent-child relationships.
  • Preparing for Future Relationships: Observing honest behavior in their parents helps children understand what to expect and strive for in their future relationships. They learn that honesty is a main component of a healthy romantic relationship, setting them up for success in their own romantic endeavors.
  • Creating a Culture of Honesty: Beyond the immediate family, honesty in relationships can influence friends and extended family members. When people witness the benefits of honesty in a relationship, they are more likely to adopt similar behaviors in their own interactions. This ripple effect can help cultivate a broader culture of honesty and integrity.
  • Handling Life Challenges: Children who grow up in an environment where honesty is valued are better equipped to handle life’s challenges. They learn that while honesty can sometimes be difficult, it is always the best policy in the long run. This lesson helps them navigate complex social situations with integrity and confidence.


We’ve talked a ton about why honesty is such a big deal in dating—from building trust and creating emotional security to even setting a good example for kids, it’s super clear that honesty isn’t a bonus quality—it’s an essential one if you want a happy, healthy, and lasting romantic relationship.

Look below for a recap of the main points we hit—a TL;DR refresher!

Foundational Importance

Being honest from the start is crucial for a happy and healthy romance. It builds trust and transparency, helping both partners feel secure and understood.

Defining Honesty in Dating

What Does Honesty Mean?: Honesty in dating is about being genuine and authentic, sharing your true self, including values, desires, and even quirks and mistakes. It’s not just avoiding lies but sharing meaningful and important aspects of your life.

Honesty vs. Transparency:
Honesty: Telling the truth when asked or necessary, ensuring you do not deceive your partner.
Transparency: Voluntarily sharing information and feelings without being prompted, creating an environment with no secrets.

The Foundation of Trust

Building Trust:
Role of Honesty: Honesty builds a sense of security and understanding, allowing partners to feel safe and supported.
Consistency: Following through on promises reinforces reliability and solidifies trust.

Trust-Building Activities:
Create a Vision Board Together: Align future goals and create a stronger connection.
Share Vulnerabilities: Strengthen intimacy and trust by opening up about fears and secrets.
Regular Check-Ins: Discuss what’s working and what needs attention regularly.
Practice Gratitude: Expressing gratitude strengthens emotional bonds.
Do Trust Exercises: Activities that require reliance on each other reinforce dependability.

The Benefits of Being Honest

Emotional Security: Honesty creates reliability and safety, allowing partners to express their true feelings without fear of judgment.
Conflict Resolution: Honest dialogue prevents misunderstandings and helps find mutually acceptable solutions, avoiding resentment build-up.
Strengthening Intimacy: Transparency creates more emotional and physical intimacy, creating a reciprocal relationship of openness and acceptance.

Challenges to Honesty in Dating

Fear of Rejection: Fear can lead to hiding true feelings or important aspects. Overcome this by valuing self-worth and embracing vulnerability.
Cultural and Social Pressures: Societal expectations can discourage honesty. Prioritize personal values and seek supportive communities.
Overcoming Personal Insecurities: Engage in self-compassion and open communication. Acknowledge insecurities and work on self-improvement.

Practical Tips for Being Honest in Dating

Effective Communication:
– Choose the right time and place for sensitive topics.
– Use “I” statements to express thoughts without sounding accusatory.
– Be direct but kind, avoiding harsh or judgmental words.
– Practice active listening to understand your partner’s perspective.

Setting Boundaries:
– Define and communicate your boundaries clearly.
– Respect your partner’s boundaries and regularly revisit them.

Being Honest About Intentions:
– State intentions early to avoid misunderstandings.
– Discuss expectations regarding commitment and future goals.
– Be consistent and avoid mixed signals.

Handling Dishonesty

Recognizing Red Flags:
– Inconsistent stories, avoidance of topics, defensiveness, overcompensation, and guarded privacy are signs of dishonesty.

Confronting Dishonesty:
– Approach the topic calmly and non-confrontationally.
– Try to understand the reasons behind the dishonesty.
– Encourage transparency and set clear expectations.

Moving Forward:
– Rebuilding Trust: Commit to transparency, seek professional help, practice forgiveness, focus on emotional healing, and show patience.
– Deciding to Move On: Evaluate the impact, respect yourself, and seek support if dishonesty persists.

Long-Term Benefits of Honesty

Sustained Relationship Health:
Building Trust: Consistent honesty builds reliability and safety.
Better Emotional Intimacy: Sharing true selves deepens connections.
Effective Conflict Resolution: Honest communication prevents misunderstandings.
Promoting Personal Growth: Encourages mutual growth within the relationship.
Maintaining Relationship Satisfaction: Honest interactions enhance happiness and satisfaction.

Role Modeling for Future Generations:
Teaching Values: Children learn integrity and truthfulness from their parents.
Building Trust in Children: Honest parent interactions create a secure environment.
Preparing for Future Relationships: Observing honest behavior helps children understand healthy relationship dynamics.
Creating a Culture of Honesty: Influences friends and family to adopt similar behaviors.
Handling Life Challenges: Equips children to navigate complex social situations with integrity and confidence.

Honesty isn’t just some lofty ideal; it’s a necessary tool for building and maintaining solid relationships. Yes, it can be scary to tell the truth or open up and be vulnerable, but the rewards are immeasurable. After all, no one is perfect—it is much more important to be real and genuine.

You can start out with baby steps by being honest about your day or how you’re feeling and eventually, it will become a reflex. Be patient with yourself and your partner, as sometimes honesty can be hard, especially if you think it will hurt the other person. Being honest will not just strengthen your relationship but also serve as a great example for those around you—except for Jack Nicholson, who won’t be swayed to tell the truth to his girlfriend.

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