It’s undeniable that dating app culture can be frustrating, but let’s be honest: for the vast majority of us, it’s unavoidable if you want to connect with a potential partner.
In this somewhat more introverted post-lockdown age, it is more unlikely that you would experience a “meet-cute” with a potential partner at your local Starbucks; therefore, finding one in the digital world is much more realistic.
Although it may seem odd, personality test data could be helpful in the virtual dating app world. This is particularly true with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), often considered the gold standard of personality assessments.
If you aren’t familiar with The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), allow us to explain: it is a self-report assessment that classifies people into one of 16 distinct types of personalities based on their personalities, strengths, and preferences.

The 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types are as follows:
- INTJ – The Architect
- INTP – The Logician
- ENTJ – The Commander
- ENTP – The Debater
- INFJ – The Advocate
- INFP – The Mediator
- ENFJ – The Protagonist
- ENFP – The Campaigner
- ISTJ – The Logistician
- ISFJ – The Defender
- ESTJ – The Executive
- ESFJ – The Consul
- ISTP – The Virtuoso
- ISFP – The Adventurer
- ESTP – The Entrepreneur
- ESFP – The Entertainer
Four categories: Extroversion (E) vs. Introversion (I), Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N), Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F), and Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P).
Isabel Myers and her mom, Katherine Briggs, developed the questionnaire based on their study of Carl Jung’s theory of personality types. In recent years, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) inventory has become one of the world’s most widely used personality tests.
How well does Myers-Briggs predict your potential romantic compatibility? And how exactly can this help your dating game? We want to explore this; in the explanations below, we’ll discuss how the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator may help you determine the sort of person you’ll click best with on a dating app. You can take the MBTI test here.
INFP – The Mediator
Idealistic and creative, INFPs follow their own set of ideals and principles. As a Mediator, you are more concerned with what may happen than what is really happening right now. They have high hopes for the future and go about the pursuit of knowledge and meaning in their own unique ways.
INFJ – The Advocate
Advocates, or INFJs, are sensitive, thoughtful people motivated by a desire to see the best in others and the world. They are kind and hardworking, possessing a knack for helping others by providing innovative approaches to their problems.
ENFP – The Campaigner
Campaigners are creative, optimistic, and infectiously enthusiastic about life, the world, and everything in it; ENFPs are the life and soul of any party. ENFPs are passionate, friendly, and excited about encouraging others to realize their own unique creative abilities.
ENFJ – The Protagonist
ENFJs are passionate organizers committed to bringing about a world they imagine. Due to their charm and ability to sense potential in others, they often act as advocates for social progress.
INTP – The Logician
Philosophical thinkers and designers, INTPs are captivated by the demands of analysis and structure. They have an insatiable curiosity for theories and strive to discover the underlying principle in all situations. They want an understanding of life’s underlying themes in all their nuanced complexity.
INTJ – The Architect
INTJs, also known as Architects, are detail-oriented thinkers who like solving complex problems and coming up with creative solutions. They are gifted in spotting areas of development in their career, personal lives, and themselves.
ENTP – The Debater
To solve complex intellectual challenges, ENTPs are motivated thinkers driven to develop fresh solutions. Intelligent and curious, they want to learn about and understand the world around them.
ENTJ – The Commander
The ENTJ personality type is a charismatic leader driven to execute systemic transformation. These people have a keen eye for inefficiency and an even sharper imagination for potential improvements; they take great pleasure in formulating comprehensive strategies to implement those ideas. Intelligent and eloquent, they have a keen mind for logic.
ISFP – The Adventurer
ISFPs are calm, nurturing people who appreciate their immediate surroundings with a quiet, unassuming kind of excitement. They are adaptable and quick to act on the spur of the moment, taking pleasure in whatever life throws at them.
ISTP – The Virtuoso
ISTPs are detail-oriented craftspeople who like tinkering and fixing things. They take a pragmatic, flexible attitude to their surroundings in search of workable answers.
ESFP – The Entertainer
Individuals with the ESFP personality type are full of life and energy, making them great conversationalists and party hosts. They enjoy life and everything in it, from the cuisine, clothing, outdoors, nature’s creatures, and other people they meet.
ESTP – The Entrepreneur
A person with an ESTP personality type is a dynamic risk-taker who thrives while putting out real and figurative flames. Their relationships with individuals and the environment around them are always packed with energy and excitement.
ISFJ – The Defender
ISFJs are hardworking caregivers devoted to their communities and organizations. They care deeply about others and are driven by a desire to ensure their well-being and safeguard them from harm.
ISTJ – The Logistician
ISTJs are reliable leaders who are compelled to establish and maintain order in professional settings. In addition to being neat and well-organized on the outside, they also take a methodical approach to almost every aspect of their lives.
ESFJ – The Consul
Sincere and empathic, ESFJs are also highly sensitive to the requirements of others around them and fully committed to their jobs. They pay close attention to their own emotions as well as the feelings and opinions of others around them.
ESTJ – The Executive
A person with an ESTJ personality type is a conscientious conservative who is willing to take the lead in managing programs and people. ESTJs are goal-oriented, organized, and rule-following; they value order and consistency and prefer systematic approaches to solving issues.
Myers-Briggs Compatibility FAQ
If you’re new to the concept of the Meyers-Briggs Compatibility Type Indicator, you probably have a lot of questions, and we’re willing to admit that we probably didn’t answer all of them on this page.
Take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions about Meyers-Briggs we’ve received. We invite you to read through these Frequently Asked Questions in the hope that they will answer any additional questions you may have.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) questionnaire was developed to put Jung’s theories on personality types into practice. It determines which of 16 distinct personality types a person falls into based on their four primary interests.
These findings provide light on the common yet sometimes confusing variations in how individuals process information, express themselves and connect with one another. For over half a century, the MBTI instrument has been used to bridge communication gaps between people.
The test will measure you answers and provide a result based on the following 4 categories: Extroversion (E) vs. Introversion (I), Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N), Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F), and Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P).
The MBTI was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers (1897-1980) and her mother, Katharine Cook Briggs (1875-1968), two thorough observers of human nature. Briggs became interested in Jung’s theories and developed and applied them via research on close acquaintances.
The two women constructed the MBTI and questions to help classify behavioral variations, making connections to Jung’s theories along the way.
Learning your personality type is a great first step in being more self-aware. When you understand your personality type, you may have a better time recognizing and appreciating the unique qualities of others around you.
When you know what you’re good at, you can actively seek out situations where you can put that knowledge to use. Many people have benefited from learning more about their MBTI type in order to navigate the job market better, choose a field of study, increase productivity and happiness at work, and enrich their dating and love lives.
One tool cannot accurately measure relationships or happiness. Successful and happy marriages have included persons with the same personality type, opposing personality types, and people with similar interests. Yet, the MBTI assessment is commonly used in couples therapy to highlight beneficial differences between partners.
Taking the MBTI exam and learning to appreciate and value each other’s styles is a good start to a great relationship.
The 16 MBTI types are not rigid categorizations but rather dynamic energy systems that describe how individuals channel their energy both inside and outward.
You can’t get a whole picture of a person’s four-letter type just by adding up their individual preferences; instead, you need to study how those tastes connect with one another. As a result, there is a large deal of individual variance within types.
It’s a common topic of debate, and most people agree that type is fixed at birth. But, one’s outlook on oneself and one’s understanding of type are both flexible. Yet your fundamental character traits—how you act and think—tend to be steady throughout your lifetime.
The person you are at your core, the person you are when you are in the zone, does not alter, no matter how good or bad your day is or the people you’re hanging out with.