Planet Theta Review: Connecting Singles in a Virtual World


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Set to be released in winter 2023, the Planet Theta dating app is an entirely fresh take on the dating scene, one where users can build meaningful relationships in a virtual environment by watching a movie (yes, an actual movie that’s still in theaters), grab a cup of coffee, or a stroll through a magical forest with your date.

Planet Theta’s mission? Simple.

Planet Theta’s developers built a secure environment for online dating because they think everyone should be able to find love no matter who they are, where they come from, or who they love.

Take a trip with us to Planet Theta as we explore what makes this platform so cool in our complete review of the Planet Theta dating app for 2024!

Planet Theta Homepage Screenshot
Sign-Up Time:10 minutes
Cost:Around $20.00 – $25.00 per month
Membership Pool:Unknown

Our Planet Theta Dating App Rating

Rating Icon

Overall Rating: TBD upon release

We usually rate dating apps based on the six criteria listed below, but since Planet Theta won’t be available until the winter of 2023, there is no way to give it an accurate rating until we can test it out!

What we do know is that Planet Theta will be groundbreaking in terms of safety and security, and the match quality will be top-notch due to the vetting system they will have in place.

features graphic

Features 5.0 Rating Stars

Planet Theta offers several standout features that set it apart in the dating landscape. First and foremost, the platform integrates virtual reality (VR) into the dating experience, allowing users to go on immersive VR dates and engage in thrilling virtual adventures together. This takes online dating to a whole new level, fostering deeper connections through shared experiences.

Another standout feature is the AI-powered matchmaking algorithm. It analyzes user preferences based on conversations, choices, and profile information to deliver highly compatible matches within minutes. This personalized approach enhances the chances of forming genuine connections and saves users time in their search for love.

Match Icon

Match Quality
3.9 Rating Stars

Planet Theta’s matchmaking foundation is simple: users hop into the virtual reality speed dating system via the Micro-Dating queue. From there, the system arranges quick virtual reality dates for people with similar interests. If the pair enjoy talking and find that they have a lot in common, they turn the micro-date into a VR coffee date!

The AI Dating Coach offers personalized insights and guidance to help users improve their communication skills and overall dating experience. By providing valuable feedback on aspects like conversation flow and body language, Planet Theta’s AI Dating Coach empowers users to make informed decisions and build meaningful connections.

Safety and Security Icon

Safety and Security
4.6 Rating Stars

Planet Theta uses quantum immune data protection to ensure users’ data is protected because they understand the importance of privacy, especially for women and other underrepresented groups, whether you’re looking for a romantic connection in VR or bringing your love life to Planet Theta for virtual dates.

Planet Theta prioritizes the safety and privacy of its users. With robust security measures and quantum immune data protection, it ensures that personal information remains secure. They also provide organic connections in Aaron’s Bar. In this virtual environment, users can mingle and connect with other singles in a casual and organic setting, simulating the experience of meeting someone at a party or gathering.

The Best Part of the Planet Theta Dating App?

Its users will all be real people. No bots. No scammers. How? On Planet Theta, they don’t just accept your email or mobile phone number and take your word for it, uh-uh. They require a government-issued ID in order to sign up and create a dating profile. One of the creators told us that this verification process creates accountability for dating app users and that since they have your information, they will have no problem reporting any illegal activity or scammers to the police.

Finally, a dating app is putting its money where its mouth is, and we are here for it! Not only does this create a safer environment for women, but for all daters. But mostly for women–and that’s also a big reason why Planet Theta was born–to make a safe space for the female demographic to look for love. All encounters on the platform are completely anonymous. If you don’t dig someone’s vibe or they say something vulgar or offensive, you can disconnect, and the algorithm won’t show or recommend that person to you again.

Planet Theta Image

Get Ready for Planet Theta! Our Interview with CEO and Co-Founder Chris Crew

“If you build it, he will come.”  No, we aren’t talking about a baseball diamond in Iowa–that’s the plot of the 1989 movie Field of Dreams. …

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Overview of Planet Theta

In addition to standard matchmaking services, the Planet Theta dating app also offers its users the ability to go on amazing virtual dates.

They’re committed to providing the perfect setting for a VR dating experience, and they value your autonomy by allowing members to decide how to spend their time on the app–Social VR places like Aaron’s Bar and a coffee shop are the first two options available to users, and there are more to come!

Planet Theta Fast Facts

  • Year Founded: 2023
  • Planet Theta has licensed several movies and formed partnerships with a number of brands to enable its users to watch actual movies in a realistic VR movie theater!
  • Average User Age: 18-35 years
  • Gender Ratio: 60% men to 40% women (in beta testing)

Planet Theta was founded in 2023 amid the Covid pandemic–the idea behind it took seed when no one could go out and socialize, which led the creators to ponder all the different ways people interact. Since people were even more afraid to go out on dates with a stranger from a dating app due to fear of getting sick, they started thinking about all the risk that goes into dating.

They came up with the idea of single daters meeting in a virtual space, which kills two birds with one stone–first, it eliminates the risk and everything else that comes with a first date IRL (expense, travel, etc.) and second, it lets people get to know someone beyond a profile picture. You can hear their voices and their inflection and get a better sense of them and your compatibility.

During the beta testing phase, Planet Theta has seen a significant number of users signing up, reflecting the strong interest in the platform. While they observe engagement from various age groups, there is a notable interest from the 18-35 demographic. However, it is important to highlight that its user base extends beyond this range, indicating the broad appeal of our platform to users of different ages.

The gender ratio is pretty even on Planet Theta, landing around 60% men to 40% women in the beta testing stage, but that could change after the public launch, as could the average age, which as of now is between 18-35.

Regarding gender ratio, Planet Theta has actively worked to foster a balanced and inclusive community. While it is true that many VR apps tend to have more male users, they have been successful in attracting a significant number of women to Planet Theta–its commitment to creating a safe and empowering environment for all users has contributed to a more balanced gender ratio compared to other VR apps.

Premium Membership Subscriptions and Prices

Planet Theta will offer premium membership plans that provide users with enhanced features and exclusive benefits to further enrich their dating experience–they get that users may have different preferences and needs, so they’ll provide flexible subscription options upon launch.

They will offer two types of premium membership plans: monthly and yearly subscriptions; the monthly plan offers users the flexibility to subscribe on a month-to-month basis. For those who prefer a longer commitment, they can opt for the annual subscription.

We do know that a 1-month membership will be in the ballpark of $20-25 and that there will be in-app purchases made available for those who want to jump ahead in the dating queue for faster matches.

PackageLengthPrice Per MonthTotal Cost


1 month

$20.00 – $25.00

$20.00 – $25.00


12 months



Is There a Planet Theta Free Trial?

Absolutely! Planet Theta believes in providing new members with the opportunity to experience the full potential of Planet Theta. As such, when they officially launch, it will offer everyone free basic membership, allowing users to create an account, explore the platform, and engage with its features without any upfront cost. This free basic membership ensures that all users can get a feel for the unique benefits and possibilities Planet Theta offers.

Free Trial Features

  • Sign up for an account
  • Create a dating profile
  • Create a profile avatar

Planet Theta believes in providing new members with a comprehensive and fulfilling dating experience right from the start. When new members create an account, they can access a range of basic free features essential for successful dating.

Signing up is completely free, allowing new members to join the vibrant community easily. Upon creating an account, they can create their personalized avatar using our intuitive avatar creation tools. This enables them to showcase their unique personality and style within the virtual dating environment.

In addition to avatar creation, new members will also have access to free matchmaking services–an advanced AI-powered matchmaking algorithm will analyze their preferences and connect them with compatible matches, ensuring a higher likelihood of meaningful connections.

Furthermore, basic members can enjoy free virtual reality (VR) dates and experiences–they can immerse themselves in captivating virtual environments, engage in interactive VR dates with their matches, and embark on thrilling virtual adventures together.

By offering these essential free features, Planet Theta provides new members with all the tools they need to dive into the world of successful dating on Planet Theta–it’s their way of ensuring that every member has the opportunity to explore the platform’s potential and make meaningful connections without any barriers.

Premium Membership Features

While no paid subscription plans are available here, you can enjoy the perks of a premium member by purchasing Credits. Those who have bought Credits can do a few things using this in-app currency, including the following:

  • AI Dating Coach
    The AI-powered Dating Coach provides personalized insights and guidance to users, helping them improve their communication skills and enhance their overall dating experience. With valuable feedback on conversation flow, body language, and dating strategies, the AI Dating Coach empowers users to make informed decisions and build meaningful connections.
  • Advanced Profile Customization
    Premium members have the ability to customize their profiles in more detail, showcasing their unique personality and interests. This feature allows users to make a strong impression and attract potential matches who align with their values and preferences.
  • Priority Matchmaking
    This grants users quicker access to Planet Theta’s advanced Micro-dating feature. This innovative speed dating experience allows members to connect with multiple highly compatible partners in one evening. By avoiding the queue and enjoying priority access, premium members have the opportunity to engage in more dates, fostering greater chances of forming meaningful connections and finding long-lasting relationships. With the Priority Matchmaking feature, premium members can maximize their dating potential, exploring a world of possibilities and creating memorable experiences.
  • Real-World Purchases
    Premium members will be able to purchase gifts for their matches–not virtual gifts–actual, physical presents that will be delivered to them!
  • AI-powered matchmaking
    The matchmaking algorithm, powered by advanced AI, will analyze the preferences of members and connect people who are compatible matches. This will improve the odds of meaningful connections.

Does Planet Theta Memberships Automatically Renew?

Yes, premium memberships on Planet Theta are set to renew for the convenience of its valued members automatically. While they understand that managing subscription renewals can sometimes be a hassle, they’ve implemented an automated system to ensure a seamless and uninterrupted premium experience for its members. This means that once you sign up for a premium membership, you can enjoy the full benefits of your chosen plan without worrying about manual renewal processes. It’s just one less thing to think about, allowing you to focus on connecting with potential matches and enjoying all the exciting features that Planet Theta offers.

Reasons to Join

Planet Theta is poised to revolutionize the virtual reality dating app industry thanks to the seriousness that it employs with the VR element and the safety and security of its users. If you’re ready for a change from the exact same online dating scene and want to try something new, we strongly suggest downloading this app and going when it is launched!

Before investing your energy and effort into a dating app, it is advantageous to carefully evaluate its pros and cons, ensuring that it corresponds with your dating goals. In the upcoming sections, we will discuss both the benefits and the drawbacks of using the Planet Theta dating app–our goal is to give you what you need so you can have an enjoyable and effective VR dating experience.

Reasons to Join

We know that change can be scary, so if you’re debating whether or not to sign up for the Planet Theta dating app, we believe our in-depth review can help you make a knowledgeable choice! However, if you still need a little persuading that Planet Theta is a banger of a dating app, we think you should join for the following reasons.

Next-level Safety & Security

Planet Theta prioritizes the privacy and safety of its users, particularly women and other marginalized groups. To safeguard their data, Planet Theta employs quantum immune data protection–this advanced technology guarantees that user information remains secure while they are looking for romantic connections on or on virtual dates on Planet Theta.

You Can Send Real Gifts

We aren’t talking about corny virtual gifts, no, no. When Planet Theta goes live, and you are on a VR movie date with someone and want to send them some snacks? YOU CAN. The platform will utilize delivery services like Door Dash so people can send their dates a lil something to make a date even better. And since the gift-giver does not have your personal info, users don’t have to worry about them knowing where they live–Planet Theta keeps those details under tight wraps with their higher-powered encryption.

Amazing VR Dates

Listen, we know we keep talking about this, but it’s so cool–you can watch a movie currently in theaters with a potential partner from the comfort of your own home. This experience places you and your match in a realistic virtual reality theater, and you can watch the latest movies. We love this so much!

Elevated Interactions

With tools for users to make expressive gestures, VR dates, and gift exchanges, users can engage in more immersive and almost real-life encounters. The Planet Theta dating app gives users ways to genuinely interact with one another that will undoubtedly improve the quality of conversations and connections.

Reasons Not to Join

With its advanced capabilities and innovative use of virtual reality to attract users, Planet Theta is not like a typical dating app; nonetheless, the drawbacks we discuss below could make some potential customers think twice before downloading and utilizing the dating app.

You’re Not Into Virtual Reality

Suppose you have little interest in virtual reality or think the Planet Theta dating app is beyond your technological capabilities. In that case, you should avoid wasting your time–this is for true VR heads or people who want to get into VR. You also should pick another dating app if you’re uncomfortable with artificial settings, computer-generated characters, or interactive media-based encounters.

You Don’t Want to Spend Money on a VR Headset

Hate the idea of dropping $300 or more on a VR headset? Then the Planet Theta dating app is not for you, as you need the correct equipment to meet and interact with other singles on this platform. No VR headset? No Planet Theta.

You Are Just Interested in Hookups

The virtual reality component of Planet Theta gives it a more serious vibe when it comes to relationships, so if you are looking for hookups, a laid-back ambiance, or low-stakes interactions and relationships, Planet Theta may not be the best choice for you!

You Want to Date Before Winter 2023

While we are super excited about the Planet Theta dating app and predict it will be a game-changer when it comes to dating platforms, winter 2023 is kinda far away, So while we think it will be well worth the wait if you want to find a snuggle buddy before the cold creeps in, you should check out some alternative dating apps!

Planet Theta Mobile

The Sign-up Process

Since the Planet Theta app is still in its beta testing phase, we couldn’t sign up and create a dating profile, but that will change once the platform is launched, and we will update the process.

In the meantime, the Planet Theta homepage lists step-by-step instructions for signing up, creating an account, and everything else you’ll need to know to get started, and they are listed below!

Planet Theta - Step 1

Step 1: Download the Planet Theta Companion App

To start your search for love on Planet Theta, get the Planet Theta Companion App from the Apple App Store or Google Play, install it on your mobile device, and sign up for an account.

Planet Theta - Step 2

Step 2: Download the Planet Theta VR App

The Planet Theta dating app is available on the Meta Store for the Oculus Quest 2 and the Steam Store for the majority of other VR headsets–install the software on your VR goggles, and you are able to explore Planet Theta in virtual reality.

Planet Theta - Step 3

Step 3: Create Your Planet Theta Avatar

The Planet Theta Companion App has Ready Player Me integration, allowing you to build a custom avatar right within the app–users can pick from an extensive array of options while designing their avatars to reflect their personalities and style best.

Planet Theta - Step 4

Step 4: Check Out the Planet Theta Dating App

The sophisticated Al matching algorithm employed by Planet Theta carefully considers your likes, interests, and compatibility factors before providing a recommendation, so you can use the capabilities of the app to establish and build relationships while enjoying the advantages of technology in your search for love, as it intelligently pairs you with potential matches to increase the probability of meaningful connections!

Planet Theta - Step 5

Step 5: Start Virtual Reality Microdating

After registering, downloading, and installing the VR App, you’ll be ready to go on virtual reality dates–get in the Microdating Queue in the VR App and meet potential partners for quick VR dates. There, you can meet new people and gauge whether they’re right for an intimate connection quickly and effectively.

Planet Theta - Step 6

Step 6: Extend to Coffee Dates

If you get along well during the Microdating phase, you can move on to the Coffee Date phase within the VR app. This allows potential partners to spend more time getting to know one another and finding common interests. And most importantly, to feel out if you are compatible.

Planet Theta - Step 7

Step 7: VR Dates and Virtual Experiences

From there, users have access to a lot of virtual activities, such as exciting VR dates and mingling at Aaron’s Bar, a virtual setting where you can interact with other singles in a manner that feels more real.

Axe tossing, planet-hopping, and socializing are just a few of the ways in which members can get together and create memorable moments.

Planet Theta - Step 8

Step 8: Explore Profiles, Messaging, and the AI Dating Coach

After you’ve connected with someone and established mutual interest, you can check out their entire profiles via the app can send each other messages and photos on the VR app, and can choose to keep the conversation offline as well!

You can also use the Al Dating Coach, which is your own personal guide to evaluating virtual reality dates, to enhance your love life–take advantage of tailored analysis and suggestions for improvement in areas such as the flow of chats and body language. You can make more informed decisions regarding your relationships with the guidance of this handy tool!

Alternatives to Planet Theta

Check out the table below for a selection of alternative dating apps that don’t use or require virtual reality technology.

Dating App Key Facts Review
zoosk logo Zoosk
  • Active Members: 40+ million
  • Gender Ratio: 47% men to 53% women
  • Best For: Flirting, finding love, and getting dates with singles
  • Pricing: Begins at $10.00/month
eharmony logo eHarmony
  • Active Members: 16+ million
  • Gender Ratio: 48% men to 52% women
  • Best For: Find singles who desire serious relationships and profound connections
  • Pricing: Begins at $35.90/month
Christian Mingle Logo Christian Mingle
  • Active Members: 16+ million
  • Gender Ratio: 44% men to 56% women
  • Best For: Finding singles who hold Christian values and want God-centered relationships
  • Pricing: Begins at $14.99/month
Bumble Logo Bumble
  • Active Members: 11+ million
  • Gender Ratio: 57% men to 43% women
  • Best For: All singles seeking relationships, casual dating, or friendships
  • Pricing: Begins at $16.99/month
CoffeeMeetsBagel Logo CoffeeMeetsBagel
  • Active Members: 10 million
  • Gender Ratio: 40% men to 60% women
  • Best For: All singles who want a modern approach to dating
  • Pricing: Begins at $15.00/month

VR Alternatives to Planet Theta

The Planet Theta dating app won’t be available to use until the winter of 2023, but there are plenty of other cutting-edge VR dating app alternatives for you to try in the meantime!

Dating App Key Facts More Info
Flirtual Logo Table Flirtual
  • Year Founded: 2022
  • Best For: Finding tech-savvy compatible partners
  • Gender Ratio: 71% men to 29% women
  • Active Members: 40,000
  • Pricing: Begins at $9.99/month
Nevermet Logo Table Nevermet
  • Year Founded: 2022
  • Best For: Finding long-distance relationships, friends, and VR gaming players
  • Gender Ratio: 60% men to 40% women
  • Active Members: 20,000
  • Pricing: Begins at $9.99/month
VRChat Logo Table VRChat
  • Year Founded: 2014
  • Best For: Finding casual dates and gaming friends
  • Gender Ratio: 80% men to 20% women
  • Active Members: 760,000
  • Pricing: Begins at $9.99/month
vTime XR Logo Table vTime XR
  • Year Founded: 2015
  • Best For: Meeting compatible singles and friends in a shared virtual space
  • Gender Ratio: 62% men to 38% women
  • Active Members: 1+ million
  • Pricing: Free (Users need to purchase an Oculus Quest or Oculus Quest 2 VR headset)
Second Life Logo Table Second Life
  • Year Founded: 2003
  • Best For: Finding casual romance and friends in a virtual reality setting
  • Gender Ratio: 50% men to 50% women
  • Active Members: 73 million
  • Pricing: Begins at $5.50/month

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope that our review of the Planet Theta dating app was helpful to you in your quest for a VR dating app! If you still have concerns regarding the app or virtual reality dating in general, we’ve listed some of the most frequently asked questions below.

What Is the Planet Theta Dating App?

Planet Theta will be a revolutionary dating platform that will change how people look for love through the use of VR and AI–its mission revolves around the idea that everyone should be able to love who they want to, regardless of their backgrounds or orientation in life.

When Will the Planet Theta Dating App Be Available?

While the original launch date was scheduled for this summer, it has been pushed back until winter 2023 so Planet Theta can be at peak performance–it will be worth the wait!

Do You Need a VR Headset for the Planet Theta Dating App?

Yes, however, there are plans for developing a desktop version that will be available at some point in the future!

What VR Headsets Will the Planet Theta Dating App Support?

At launch, Planet Theta will support the Quest 2 as a standalone alternative, and its PCVR version on Steam will be compatible with the Valve, Meta, and HTC headsets.

How Do You Access the Planet Theta Dating App?

You can access Planet Theta with your Meta/Oculus Quest 2 or Quest Pro by launching it from the Meta/Oculus App Labs menu. Users can also access VR Dating on stand-alone Quest 2 or Quest Pro.

How Do I Contact Planet Theta Customer Support?

You can get in touch with Planet Theta’s customer support staff by emailing or by calling +1 (360) 633–8469.

Can I Use the Planet Theta Dating App for Free?

Yup! When it launches, there will be a freemium version for those who want to check out Planet Theta before committing to a premium membership.

Are Virtual Reality Dating Apps Similar to Traditional Dating Platforms?

They operate in the same way as traditional dating apps, allowing users to meet and communicate with people who pique their interest–but they are wearing a virtual reality headset or goggles while they mingle.

The main difference–other than the use of VR headsets–from more conventional online dating platforms, members of VR dating apps represent themselves in the way of virtual avatars rather than using actual photographs.

Will I Be Able to Meet Up With Potential Partners From Planet Theta?

Of course, that’s the main goal of the Planet Theta dating app! The purpose of the dating app is to encourage real-world relationships, despite its emphasis on a digital one at the start–and the algorithm is built to match you with the people that live closest to you!

Does the Planet Theta Dating App Have a Discord Channel?

They sure do! Just go to Planet Theta’s homepage, scroll to the very bottom, and you’ll see the app’s Discord icon. If you have a Discord account, sign in with your credentials, but if you don’t, clicking on the link will provide you with an invite to sign up.

You can also follow Planet Theta on their other social media platforms:

• Instagram: @planettheta
• Facebook: @PlanetTheta
• Twitter: @Planet_Theta
• LinkedIn: @planet-theta

What Kind of Relationships Does the Planet Theta Dating App Cater To?

Planet Theta is designed to cater to a wide range of relationship types, including long-term, long-distance, and various other connections individuals may seek. It understands that different people have different relationship goals and preferences, so whether you’re looking for a meaningful, committed partnership or a connection that transcends geographical boundaries, Planet Theta provides a platform where you can explore and foster the type of relationship that aligns with your desires. The advanced AI matchmaking algorithm ensures you are connected with individuals who share similar intentions and aspirations, increasing the potential for building lasting and fulfilling connections! Planet Theta embraces the diversity of relationship goals and provides a supportive environment for individuals to explore and nurture the relationships they desire.